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A couple of questions....

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Howdy all....Been playing the game about a week now and have a couple of questions....


1) I am playing on the Serentiy (Epic) and was wondering where on the forums one would post if they are looking for work (I did not see a server forum for Serenity)?

2) Forge or Oven? Are there advantages to one or the other....should you have both?



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Hello Vodecca, welcome to wurm.


To answer your first question, if you are looking for stuff to do on your server, the best bet would be to ask in your server's chat channel, as there is no seperate forum for any of the Epic cluster's islands. You can, however, apply to join a village on the Recruitment thread. 

 Secondly, a forge is mainly for smithing, but if you are going to o hot food cooking, then it will add difficulty to the meals you create, therefore giving some more skill. But it is best to have a forge and an oven.


Have fun and enjoy.

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The Oven is best to use for cooking gains up to 40+ skill level. Never use a forge for cooking before those levels as the difficulty it adds to cooking skill will slow down your gains considerably. As a new player with cooking skill under 5 it will almost eliminate any progress at all. Also the Oven will give better cooking skill gains than a campfire. So with this in mind it is best to use an Oven for cooking whenever one is available.


Forges are for smelting various ores, heating tools up to glowing and imping them with glowing lumps. Best to stick with them for that purpose. Although campfires can be used as well for this, they are inferior for heating lumps and smelting ores as well.


Ovens and Forges are designed for these distinct purposes to the best advantage. Although they can be used for opposite purposes, one will not be best served by this careless approach.



Edited by Ayes

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