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Destruction and Creation of Usable Land (Epic Terraforming suggestions)

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Yes I know what your thinking, another idea of how to change the epic terraforming situation.  There have been countless ideas already, but mostly from veteran players who already have something at stake.  They own land, have spent countless hours working on it and so they are naturally biased on these events.


I on the other hand am new to epic, I've played on freedom for a handful of months so I'm not new to Wurm, so my viewpoint is, in my opinion, unbiased and informed.


In the current mechanics these scenario ending terraforming events leaves initially unusable land, but land that has the potential to be reformed in most cases and repurposed in others.  The scarring type events seem to also be in a position to be either flattened and/or filled in with dirt to be made usable again, but in most cases the structures that were once on that property are pretty much toast.


So enough with stating the obvious, my idea is purely based on creating and destroying usable land equally at the same time.  When I say destroy I truly mean make it unusable but able to be reclaimed, as in put it under the water.  The code of the events should focus on large masses instead of some of the scarring effects that happen now and the edges should be gradual instead of steep, basically creating inland lakes or submerging part of coastal property.


At the exact same time of the destruction event, a creation event should also happen, it would target water tiles only and work in the exact same was as the destruction event except raising land instead of submerging it.  This also should have gradual edges and because it targets water tiles you'll end up with enlarged coastal areas, smaller lakes and new islands.


As it is now these terraforming events just mess up properties and generally make things look a odd with stretched skins on some crazy slopes.  It looks unappealing to most players including brand new ones, if this game is truly looking to expand then an idea like this would still keep the apocalypse style events while replacing usable land and making it look a lot more appealing to the eye.


Thanks to anyone who took the time to read the entire post, I appreciate it.

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I guess it's hit and miss with my ideas.  I always have about 50 million ideas running through this head of mine, 99% are just terrible.

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Over time, the servers just become more and more unplayable. Something has to be done. Its either this, or a map reset.

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Aye so far havent seen any islands or the like appear.

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In the current mechanics these scenario ending terraforming events leaves initially unusable land, but land that has the potential to be reformed in most cases and repurposed in others. 

Unfortunately, the land does not have the potential to be reformed in most cases that I have seen. The terraforming events usually/often create extremely steep (100+ slope) rock faces, that are impossible to mine, short of pouring thousands or more units of concrete should you want to fix them, not to mention the ones (like tower bay, desertion) that hit in the water, and simply cannot be fixed by any means where the slope is sufficiently steep. 

You suggest that the destruction remains, and that new land be created to compensate, but I think this will only compound the problems. First, it will not fix the fact that major terraforming events are still targeting deeds, and absolutely ruining them on a regular basis, potentially at a rate that is helping to stifle population growth on epic (People that I've met often don't stick around, largely in part due to the fact that their property would have a decent chance of being godmode erased at some point). Second, it will not deal with the massive ugly craters and spires that will increasingly pockmark the land over time. Sure, you'll have some islands, but what about when the mainland just looks like crap from everywhere? And third, there's only so much space in the water. You get more than  a handful of islands and such appearing, and I think it's just going to get crowded.

I like that you are trying to think of a solution, and being creative with it, I just don't think that this would fix the real problems at all; that the main continents are getting irreparably ruined in progressively more places, and that the events are specifically targeting deeds, when the player population is already unhealthy.


Edited by Arronicus

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