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Just curious

Path of love level 7


Skills dumped at 2014-02-14


Religion: 0.0

   Alignment: 100.0

   Faith: 30.0

   Favor: 30.0

Skills: 0.0

   Paving: 25.306915

   Tracking: 14.434105

   Milling: 5.586004

   Coal-making: 22.383831

   Prospecting: 22.126236

   Polearms: 1.1337944

      Long spear: 1.1116482

   Religion: 2.6207101

      Prayer: 5.4871106

      Preaching: 2.0

   Healing: 13.4970875

      First aid: 27.938866

   Archery: 15.532028

      Long bow: 3.1151652

      Medium bow: 10.448461

      Short bow: 1.708626

   War machines: 3.1072388

      Catapults: 4.5708294

   Thievery: 7.927697

      Traps: 1.0

      Lock picking: 12.146539

   Climbing: 5.995962

   Shields: 10.720283

      Medium metal shield: 13.290149

   Axes: 32.209095

      Huge axe: 1.0

      Hatchet: 41.010258

   Swords: 24.385399

      Two handed sword: 29.765446

      Shortsword: 1.5869955

      Longsword: 28.57687

   Knives: 20.122993

      Butchering knife: 21.09084

      Carving knife: 23.153416

   Woodcutting: 54.83073

   Mauls: 3.8700938

      Large maul: 6.251896

   Carpentry: 74.507034

      Fine carpentry: 42.009373

      Ship building: 30.376074

      Fletching: 9.93331

      Bowyery: 10.952923

      Toy making: 22.44764

   Nature: 34.847965

      Gardening: 26.25667

      Fishing: 17.516218

      Papyrusmaking: 4.351556

      Animal husbandry: 11.139815

      Meditating: 21.443819

      Milking: 3.2512414

      Farming: 47.697384

      Forestry: 41.206345 *

      Botanizing: 16.69579

      Animal taming: 13.367614

      Foraging: 11.673139

   Cooking: 11.1624565

      Dairy food making: 3.0510774

      Hot food cooking: 19.643204

      Beverages: 3.0507843

      Butchering: 14.68988

   Fighting: 68.81336

      Shield bashing: 1.1089267

      Taunting: 1.0

      Normal fighting: 43.228313

      Defensive fighting: 14.464797

      Aggressive fighting: 11.801719

      Weaponless fighting: 9.353915

   Toys: 5.1612554

      Puppeteering: 16.681866

      Yoyo: 1.3807174

   Alchemy: 4.133893

      Natural substances: 9.905665

   Miscellaneous items: 63.603477

      Stone chisel: 21.839922

      Hammer: 71.5547

      Sickle: 37.00969

      Scythe: 3.5004194

      Repairing: 44.445793

      Saw: 31.852087

      Pickaxe: 75.031334

      Rake: 35.595985

      Shovel: 44.947563

   Pottery: 20.883627

   Firemaking: 13.340269

   Digging: 60.317757

   Mining: 71.67647

   Smithing: 51.6105

      Metallurgy: 1.3314967

      Jewelry smithing: 83.4008

      Locksmithing: 28.639503

      Blacksmithing: 50.364273

      Armour smithing: 4.1741033

         Shield smithing: 2.2902417

         Chain armour smithing: 10.285433

      Weapon smithing: 21.496239

         Blades smithing: 13.971698

         Weapon heads smithing: 6.1471324

   Ropemaking: 14.19352

   Masonry: 54.33053

      Stone cutting: 29.640017

   Tailoring: 57.94213

      Leatherworking: 75.881516

      Cloth tailoring: 90.173676

Characteristics: 0.0

   Soul: 26.004042

      Soul strength: 26.866991

      Soul depth: 22.914536

   Mind: 34.934464

      Mind speed: 20.960154

      Mind logic: 40.962753

   Body: 41.420567

      Body stamina: 28.970522

      Body strength: 34.97145

      Body control: 34.191833

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Should be a little more than 100 euros, pretty nice body stats and has the basics in smithing/carpetry. So I would guess 100-150 euros, might be more to right buyer

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how does it have those body stats? very confused

As far i remember tailoring and leatherworking gives nice bc.

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