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How do i select a server?

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You can't select a server. Just press play and you will come to the tutorial server. After finishing the tutorial you can go to every server you want (expect Elevation => prem only).


Remember that you can only cross the servers again by using an epic portal between Freedom Cluster and Epic Cluster or the Home Server portals in the spawn towns on Epic Cluster. Otherwise you have to drive with a ship to the borders to change the servers as it is standard on Freedom Cluster.



Here are all the maps


And here is the travel map which shows exactly how you can change the servers.


If you have more questions feel free to ask.

Edited by Sklo:D

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You start in golden valley

The tutorial

At the end there is a epic and freedom stone

Right clicking on it and selecting use

Will allow you to pick a server to goto

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When you go trough the tutorial, at the end you can choose to go to freedom or epic. Once you choose a server, the only way to switch servers it is by sailing in a boat or using an epic portal

Edited by atazs

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Hi im new to this game too, I can't seem to exit the tutorial. I'm at the portal I know where I need to go it just doesn't send me there :(
It seems like i should tick somthing but it wont allow me to and yes is  ticked on yes or no at the end of the questions for the portal if that makes any sence aha

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ignore what i put just figured it out after 30 minutes of wondering why i couldnt xD


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