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Selling Oakheart Shores

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Hello everyone,



With a heavy heart, we are putting up for sale our Oakheart Shores deed.


Location: X46 Y8 on


Right on the waterside, half wild, with great view of the mainland (you can see in the pics below). Easy access from Exo and to the whole East and North sides of Celebration.


Size: 19 by 27


Monthly cost: 1s 2c 60i


The settlement has 2 silver, 97 copper and 58 iron in its coffers.

The upkeep will last approximately 81 days, 5 hours and 3 minutes more.


The deed was set up to be a learning place for the beginners ( but sadly we do not have time for such things anymore. The general organization of the deed can be seen in the layout plan below:







The deed comes with some houses from previous beginners. These can be destroyed if the person winning would like us to do so but in my oppinion once the new update comes out most of the things inside can be reused


The deed also has a center building (we have the writ for it) with all the basic necessities inside (bed, cart, oven, even a well, etc.) so the new owner can move in right away if he/she wants.


The mine can be expanded and has easy access to iron just next to the entrance.


There are also various BSBs/chests on the property - I haven't checked all of them but I suppose there is at least dirt in them :)




An album of screenshots can be accessed at:


2 Pictures here in the topic as well:





Advantages of buying this deed


  • Partially wild, so it can still be easily molded to the new owners' specs
  • Partially built up - meaning the place is ready to move in!
  • Infrastructure already done - as in mine and basic roads done for fast development
  • Some materials already available on site
  • More than 2.5 months of upkeep already in the coffers
  • Great scenery on the waterside - Prime waterfront placement and easy access!!


Auction specific settings and price reasoning:


The cost of setting the deed up was 10s 26c

Still present in the coffers: 2s 98c

Everything present in materials and labor extra :)


Starting Bid: 11s

Minimum increment: 1s

Reserve price: yes

Buyout: 25s


Accepting private bids as well.


Auction will run for 5 days or until buyout offer.





I wish you all happy bidding and best of luck to the new owner, its a great place ;)




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Private Buyout offer received and completed.


Sorry to everyone else that bid..



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