Posted February 11, 2014 [17:44:11] You entered through the portal to Wurm on day of the Ant, week 4 of the starfall of Silence, 1024. That's 562 days and 59 minutes ago.[17:44:11] You have played 55 days, 15 hours and 45 minutes.[17:44:11] You have premium time until 13 Feb 2014 13:38:28 GMT - Ridiculous of the path of hate.- Server: Serenity. [17:46:05] Jordii has played 55 days, 15 hours and 43 minutes and received 0 warnings. Jordii has never been warned before. Whit it comes a one Caravel, locate of the ship: Port of Strongbox, " name: Santa Monica "Titles: Skills dumped at 09-feb-2014-----Religion: 0.0 0.0 0 Alignment: 100.0 Faith: 22.264168 Favor: 22.264168Skills: 0.0 Paving: 33.78875 Tracking: 8.722074 Milling: 3.9689932 Coal-making: 10.452355 Prospecting: 13.314846 Thatching: 2.9849665 Polearms: 12.836688 Halberd: 23.549187 Long spear: 1.2843479 Staff: 2.8567593 Religion: 7.871621 Prayer: 16.41564 Channeling: 2.3708913 Preaching: 8.021389 Exorcism: 1.0 Clubs: 1.030743 Huge club: 1.971801 Healing: 25.691853 First aid: 34.96478 Archery: 80.45373 Long bow: 70.15048 Medium bow: 37.124386 Short bow: 20.811348 War machines: 3.9694695 Catapults: 6.70727 Thievery: 2.8007119 Traps: 1.0 Stealing: 2.0 Lock picking: 4.4227915 Climbing: 10.220034 Shields: 39.157772 Large wooden shield: 4.971246 Medium wooden shield: 2.268887 Large metal shield: 51.918327 Medium metal shield: 15.146735 Axes: 28.398256 Huge axe: 15.705086 Large axe: 21.930126 Hatchet: 28.25366 Small Axe: 1.4096668 Swords: 32.503662 Two handed sword: 21.783096 Shortsword: 3.2137673 Longsword: 50.02358 Knives: 25.720507 Butchering knife: 8.570244 Carving knife: 41.22643 Woodcutting: 33.484516 Mauls: 22.590582 Small maul: 3.0084097 Medium maul: 38.544632 Large maul: 9.151408 Carpentry: 80.67956 Fine carpentry: 25.7951 Ship building: 30.843508 Fletching: 64.196175 Bowyery: 61.81793 Toy making: 2.0022657 Nature: 26.369759 Gardening: 23.864832 Fishing: 5.434989 Animal husbandry: 15.498495 Meditating: 24.425867 Milking: 1.9464282 Farming: 22.139507 Forestry: 17.327728 Botanizing: 9.190255 Animal taming: 35.12721 Foraging: 12.203875 Cooking: 9.797482 Hot food cooking: 2.0 Baking: 7.206382 Beverages: 1.0 Butchering: 21.257683 Fighting: 72.131805 Shield bashing: 15.446891 Taunting: 4.0 Normal fighting: 51.182384 Defensive fighting: 30.392971 Aggressive fighting: 38.64504 Weaponless fighting: 9.972403 Toys: 1.7529298 Yoyo: 3.109754 Alchemy: 9.540286 Natural substances: 23.034595 Miscellaneous items: 41.1694 Stone chisel: 12.469515 Hammer: 51.35341 Sickle: 13.03683 Scythe: 3.3343797 Repairing: 32.12403 Saw: 24.37553 Pickaxe: 23.155119 Rake: 10.70399 Shovel: 36.057682 Pottery: 4.3947396 Firemaking: 9.781119 Digging: 48.78779 Mining: 22.362347 Smithing: 16.21606 Metallurgy: 1.9180039 Jewelry smithing: 6.7907515 Locksmithing: 4.433762 Blacksmithing: 21.895319 Armour smithing: 9.212945 Shield smithing: 31.6222 Chain armour smithing: 8.653247 Plate armour smithing: 2.8042421 Weapon smithing: 7.5849476 Blades smithing: 2.521289 Weapon heads smithing: 6.7928653 Ropemaking: 9.693614 Masonry: 38.77193 Stone cutting: 20.882692 Tailoring: 8.190283 Leatherworking: 4.6986485 Cloth tailoring: 21.489424 Characteristics: 0.0 Soul: 21.61116 Soul strength: 22.763226 Soul depth: 22.357702 Mind: 26.51037 Mind speed: 22.857868 Mind logic: 29.077368 Body: 27.351427 Body stamina: 21.140366 Body strength: 26.051353 Body control: 27.74492 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites