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Price Check Silver/Gold (coin). Also questions about purchases.

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Whats the going rate for buying silver and gold coins? Assuming at least 50 silver at a time?


Assuming in EUR but I pay USD and convert to EUR so USD examples also welcome. :)




How do you assure yourself of not being ripped off? Would it be safe to say only people with 500 or more posts in the forums? Or are there enough people that would rip you off there too as well? I know my posts are only 300+ but I also 'dont get out much' so I wouldnt expect people beyond my alliance to trust me with money. :D


If someone makes a contract for a purchase in the forums in public. Is that considered a 'binding' contract. Even if it involves real world currency and so if we agree in public at a set price for a set amount if I send the money and they dont deliver is their account held responsible?  (This was a rumor I heard years ago. No idea if it is true or was ever true.)


Also. Also.  


Any suggested sellers of coin to go to that might have a public reputation to maintain? There used to be one or two sellers on the forums that were were 'regular' enough to know they were safe but now Ive only seen three sales in a long while and not from anyone I recognize.


I guess the market changed a lot since the prices for everything went up and the payouts from traders went down.  Are we shifting to the point where its almost a stabilizing economy and the cost of silver is the same whether you get it from rolf or not? :D



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The going Rate for silver is around 1 Euro per silver with an average discount of 10 - 15% when buying in bulk quantities of 100s or 1g. The current exchange rate is 1 Euro = 1.36 USD, therefore 

50s x  $1.36 =  $68.20.  However each seller is different and so the price tends to fluctuate, so this is just a base formula.Hope it helps. 

Edited by Function

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forum posts shouldn't matter, a solid connection to your buyer/seller should. maybe talk with them on phone/ voip.  and using paypal you should have eachothers post. 

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Also can always ask around to see if the person that's selling is a trustworthy/well known player. Overal though, I have never been scammed, nor heard of anyone being scammed on wurm as of yet.

Edited by Druidnature

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Thank you for all your replies! Please keep them coming if anyone else has anymore. :) :)


I do remember there was a period with wurm about a year or so ago where I thought people were getting scammed. I didnt hear of any direct examples but there was a point of it made as an announcement by the wurm staff. Maybe that was just cover their butt legal speak though. I dont know.  Just know buying a gold is a 100$USD or more and having it walk away isnt fun. :P

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