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Wumians need flak to take down the "spirit stukas"!

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...was wandering back to retrieve my corpse after being annihilated

by spirit drakes.  [...we have threats from the air now?..really must log on more often...but I digress..] I was saying..was en rte to recover my "air drake" riddled corpse when I observed

someone galloping toward me...with three "spirit drakes" in hot pursuit...


....flashback to ANOTHER game world...another time..not so long ago...

the current sight looked distressingly like some hapless truck being mauled by three Stukas..


.....with the same predictable results.


..kaching! ..yet another Wurmian arrives at the local "lifestone/token".  


Being killed by THREE such "spirit-stukas" seems a bit like overkill...considering that

folks say that a SINGLE spirit drake can "hold it's own against four GT guards.  To say nothing

of the observation that "spirit-drakes" can fly through buildings...[...and terrain as well?].

Is there NO counter to these "air superiority platforms?"  Even fleeing to an underground bunker

is futile?  


..really...need to come up with something to deal with them...some sort of Wurmnanian AAA.

[anti aircraft artillery].  WARPA  [Wurm Advanced Research Projects Administration] should

look into this.  

Edited by Grimleaper

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What? From what i could gather from your post you are complaining that drake spirits are too strong? Drake spirits only spawn on chaos/epic 

Edited by atazs

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he died from drakespirit, remember long time ago that he died to drakespirits.. feels it is overpowered and now request we employ the anti aircraft gun.


Drake spirits isn't that hard to kill, as long as you ain't on AOE range... Evading them a bit trouble tho, especially if you are encumbered / slow horse.. gladly any boat can escape from them.. (rowboat 8kmph can, barely).

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he died from drakespirit, remember long time ago that he died to drakespirits.. feels it is overpowered and now request we employ the anti aircraft gun.


Drake spirits isn't that hard to kill, as long as you ain't on AOE range... Evading them a bit trouble tho, especially if you are encumbered / slow horse.. gladly any boat can escape from them.. (rowboat 8kmph can, barely).


But pretty much this, drakespirits are almost all the time oversized birds.

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he died from drakespirit, remember long time ago that he died to drakespirits.. feels it is overpowered and now request we employ the anti aircraft gun.


Drake spirits isn't that hard to kill, as long as you ain't on AOE range... Evading them a bit trouble tho, especially if you are encumbered / slow horse.. gladly any boat can escape from them.. (rowboat 8kmph can, barely).


...AOE range?  You speak strangely...outlander.

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he died from drakespirit, remember long time ago that he died to drakespirits.. feels it is overpowered and now request we employ the anti aircraft gun.



I like the AA gun part

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My suggestion:  A new weapon system for wurm the NBL  (Noob Bait Launcher)




Works wonders! : (Powerman not included)

Edited by Battlepaw

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My suggestion:  A new weapon system for wurm the NBL  (Noob Bait Launcher)




Works wonders! : (Powerman not included)

But funny enough.. the batteries are...

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I have to insist.


I would also like to see this added. ;)

Edited by Dairuka

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