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You're in the local forest and you see your neighbour's enchanted sword...

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One day, one of your long-term neighbours mentions to you that one day, they were out with nothing but their prized sword and they died right before they had to log off. Your neighbour has just given up looking for it after almost an entire day searching and has given up all hope.


A couple of days later, as you're riding through the local forest on your dinner-hunt you catch a split-second glance in the corner of your eye of something pulsating slowly, hidden by thick foliage, it's tip just poking out from underneath a bush.


You come to a quick stop, pick it up curiously and as you inspect it up close you realise that it is the sword your neighbour had been talking about - a fantasticsuper-enchanted, 99 QL, glimmersteel longsword.


You know that this sword is probably the rarest and most valuable, magical, shining palace-worthy sword you will ever see, and you know that your neighbour has given up all hope of finding it.


What would you do?

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Kill your neighbor with it when he logs on.

So it's 100% your sword.

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I don't know about you Ocean but me?  I'll start trying to locate you to er... aquire that new toy you got there :D

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Hmmm [15:20:39] No such soul found. I know ur on this server somewhere.. lets see how many rings I can burn the nolocate off off lol.   

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We ALL know what is the RIGHT thing to do GIVE IT BACK !!!


And hope that your friend would do the same thing for you if the tables were turned..... there are WAY to many dirtbags in MMO's as it is, lets hope there are still some good guys out there to make the MMO words a nice place to play in ;)

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What would you do?


I would give it back to my neighbor who was the rightful owner of it. Even if my neighbor is my enemy.


I do not believe in this "9/10ths of the law" thing practiced here in Wurm.... I know what the rules are... if I lose something I know I'm screwed...


but it's nice when I get to decide whether or not to do the right thing instead of just what is "legal".

Edited by Kyrmius

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I'd have to give it back, I would feel too guilty keeping it. 

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Well, OP doesn't mention that said neighbour is a friend, just a long-term neighbour.  If I were friendly with 'em, I'd give it back, though I'd probably have to tease them for a while first.


If it's an enemy, definitely keep it; probably stab 'em with it at some point.


If it's a neutral... would depend on how well my day was going :P

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Wurm is a lot like real life in this aspect. The decisions yours really, he's no longer the rightful owner.

I would give it back, as long as he let me hit a few things first hehe.

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Would depend on which kingdom they're in. Could sell it on the forums too, lol

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Spend a year building an overly elaborate maze which only the neighbour has access to, full of 1ql swords. Hide the real one under their own bed.

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Had this sort of scenario happen to me years ago, nothing as valuable as that sword though, but the loot was pricey back in the day. On JKH I was out with some friends looking for a undermined bear lair that somebody had walled up. Upon searching around I found a death pile in a pit nearby and noticed some items were named Mouchard, I figured he had died and couldn't find his corpse so I moved all his stuff back onto his deed as a surprise :P


He was surprised :D

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If it's on freedom then i'd take it without any doubt ,as they don't deserve nor need glimmersteel weapons. If it's on chaos or epic then i'd probably give it back.

Edited by atazs

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If I had a silver for every death pile Ive come across with some weird name Id never seen before nor after. In fact the piles sometimes had silver. :P


Overall it depends on a number of questions: how recognizable the blade is, and how many know the neighbor owned it? Just how good of a sword? Is it sentient? Is the neighbor worth more alive and indebted to you? Is the neighbor a smuck... karma is a good an excuse as any.


You can always say you two fought a heroic last stand against overwhelming odds, and he would have wanted you to have it. Bastard was probably planning to kill you anyways.


Like the smelting option, never would have thought of that offhand.

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