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Fix Valrei (Spawns)

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Eaglespirits OP:


Even I lol'd at the irony.


Drakespirits OP (@20:00 min)


Nogumps OP?


Please if they could just have a few tweaks I think they would be fine. Such as not being able to throw you outside of a roofed building or into a roofed building. Pretty much the throws, drake spirit AoE, and spawning on top of players is the big problems.


edit: Friend also suggests their local event spawning be in a different, louder text color -- like Red.

Edited by Versai

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I've died to them before, just part of the game. Keeps players away.


Fixed for you, no need to thanks me.

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Fixed for you, no need to thanks me.

So does the grind, the long timers, and no instant teleports. Oh, and not enough fantasy things. :P

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I can handle a eaglespirit just fine, I can survive a nogump, but i'm easily challenged and nearly killed by a drakespirit, just tone down the 500 aoe's a second, which is already far to OP as is.

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So does the grind, the long timers, and no instant teleports. Oh, and not enough fantasy things. :P


And your point is? :P



Those bugs are OP as frak, and random instakill as well as a random orbital strikes, has no sense at all and is juts frustrating.

Edited by Alec

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