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Will come with nothing looking for 250e

[15:06:36] You have premium time until 9 Mar 2014 01:01:05 GMT

Skills dumped at Feb 9, 2014
Religion: 0.0
   Alignment: 97.98574
   Faith: 79.840225
   Favor: 72.08023
Skills: 0.0
   Paving: 4.7373405
   Tracking: 9.42931
   Prospecting: 6.387438
   Religion: 46.303112
      Prayer: 54.17144
      Channeling: 60.845104
      Preaching: 7.485176
      Exorcism: 1.0
   Healing: 8.159726
      First aid: 21.527672
   Thievery: 1.0
      Traps: 1.0
   Climbing: 12.948475
   Shields: 6.225683
      Large metal shield: 10.835483
   Axes: 22.594954
      Large axe: 17.022564
      Hatchet: 30.954453
      Small Axe: 1.0
   Swords: 15.934759
      Shortsword: 1.6531192
      Longsword: 26.897312
   Knives: 23.303005
      Butchering knife: 31.61248
      Carving knife: 17.593075
   Woodcutting: 49.01133
   Mauls: 8.742024
      Medium maul: 23.231628
   Carpentry: 57.69787
      Fine carpentry: 25.333149
      Ship building: 16.757812
      Fletching: 17.111986
      Bowyery: 24.368786
      Toy making: 16.378798
   Nature: 72.09242
      Gardening: 35.70143
      Fishing: 21.361671
      Animal husbandry: 17.426077
      Meditating: 48.05307
      Milking: 8.659684
      Farming: 95.43427
      Forestry: 40.754642
      Botanizing: 25.12903
      Animal taming: 46.02178
      Foraging: 26.864565
   Cooking: 48.19102
      Dairy food making: 1.3374712
      Hot food cooking: 82.46375
      Beverages: 1.0
      Butchering: 24.885756
   Fighting: 48.873623
      Shield bashing: 2.5708911
      Taunting: 1.3375639
      Normal fighting: 17.409746
      Defensive fighting: 3.2119343
      Aggressive fighting: 32.697365
      Weaponless fighting: 3.0794508
   Toys: 2.6761427
      Puppeteering: 1.9604617
      Yoyo: 1.8837092
   Alchemy: 2.328327
      Natural substances: 5.2751665
   Miscellaneous items: 65.74159
      Stone chisel: 9.837282
      Hammer: 29.602451
      Sickle: 37.53838
      Scythe: 15.736532
      Repairing: 33.227043
      Saw: 10.185457
      Pickaxe: 27.063335
      Rake: 86.3901
      Shovel: 44.11259
   Pottery: 10.576299
   Firemaking: 18.650034
   Digging: 60.240696
   Mining: 25.701189
   Smithing: 3.7108138
      Blacksmithing: 9.464114
   Masonry: 25.866251
      Stone cutting: 21.987246
   Tailoring: 47.8831
      Leatherworking: 24.829082
      Cloth tailoring: 84.62785
Characteristics: 0.0
   Soul: 36.73872
      Soul strength: 26.324358
      Soul depth: 40.88686
   Mind: 33.53081
      Mind speed: 20.605251
      Mind logic: 40.288494
   Body: 34.332294
      Body stamina: 22.625637
      Body strength: 35.611588
      Body control: 27.609898

Edited by King

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Priest with great potential. Self sufficient with that farming. Definitely worth the 250E. ;)

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