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[Auction] 'stone chisel, iron (CoC 95 WoA 90)'

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Up for auction will be for one stone chisel, iron with CoC 95 and WoA 90.
This item is currently located on the Celebration server.
If possible, I will mail this item to the winner of the item. Buyer pays for COD.

[12:47:56] A straight tool with a strong hard blade made for cutting stone. You will want to polish the stone chisel with a pelt before you improve it.

[12:47:56] You can barely make out the signature of its maker,  '.ar.blas'.

[12:47:56] Wind of ages has been cast on it, so it will be quicker to use. [90]

[12:47:56] Circle of Cunning has been cast on it, so it will increase skill gained with it when used. [95]



Opening the auction @ 2 silver
Minimum increments of 50 copper
Buyout none
Sniper protection: 1 hour

Happy bidding!





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