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Magranon Channeling

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I have a mag priest at 38 channeling and was wondering how best to work it now.

I have a Smith main and plan to start working locksmithing on him to make locks for my priest.

I am just unsure what to cast for working channeling now, light token seems to be go in less than before.

Was asked about a FA cast but not sure I have enough channeling to cast it yet.

Vessel is a method I have heard to work channeling but I have little to no gems. Working prayer, it's also 38 at the moment.

Edited by yetian

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you can probably still use light token to get to 50 or so if you don't have many gems, but after that i would really recommend vessel. its the best way to get channeling up after 40-50

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Thanks. :-) I have heard that gems from praying become more common after 40 prayer.

Soul depth is about 26, lots of mining.

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You guys on Freedom that can get channeling from vessel!! lol :)


The Epic way:


Pen a Lava Fiend. Try and dominate it.

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Lol that's a good idea. I guess you have to take hits while you do it?

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Yes - good no enchant armor - no weapon - defensive mode. Lot's of cotton :)

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At this level - flaming aura, aura of shared pain (5 min cooldown) or as Heboric mentioned, dominate a lava fiend. Just pop in defensive, get a shield on and do it. The more you fail the more channeling you get.

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I vesseled a ton of gems (to keep favor topped up during the grind) and used sleep bonus with Dominate to get from 27-55 in a short time. Tons of shield and fighting subskills as well.  :D

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Thanks for the info. Time to bin my templar and make a lava fiend pen. :-)

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Have a gated mine off deed I can use. Also ordered a 70ql large shield. Worth getting some plate?

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*wrong post* deleted reply ;-)

Edited by yetian

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"I have heard that gems from praying become more common after 40 prayer. "

Mining is 1000000000000x more effective and you get body stats/mining skil

Edited by Sklo:D

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I am at 58 mining at the moment. It works well for Soul strength as well. Very rarely get any gems though.

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Prayer is useless. Gems become more common the higher your faith is over 70. I have a Vyn priest with very high prayer skill (70+) and I don't see a noticeable difference in gems or quality of gems compared to my Mag priest with like 30 prayer. And yes it's worth using plate.

Edited by Stonesolid

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I used an alt to heal me while dominating the fiend so I didn't have much down time while grinding the channeling, its fantastic skill for all the bonus extras such as shield/defensive ect as mentioned, I would start any new priest as mag and grind this way then swap after to the desired deity just because the channeling grind is so easy with mag, it got a little painful once the channeling became higher due to the overheating from successful casts but it is far far better than anything else when you consider the 2 favor cost for a fail and you can just spam it over and over using gems or an altar to sac locks right next to the pen.

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"I have heard that gems from praying become more common after 40 prayer. "

Mining is 1000000000000x more effective and you get body stats/mining skil

Disagree here, debit out does Darkmalice and Zarame with 3.0 second mining timers by praying for gems. He's at 62 prayer. I get a gem every few minutes 2-6 in most cases.

However, mining does give important stats, and of course items you may need.

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