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Game keeps disconnecting and reconnecting

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It's simple, when I login and move a bit the game stops listening to my actions (when I right click something it stays refreshing) then I get back to the loading screen with the message "Connecting to server...", I appear where I was before moving and it happens all again if I move.

If I look at the console I can see this:

Game loop broken due to exception An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at class.sawbVPci36.Ma4vZ9hcx8(SourceFile:606)
at class.sawbVPci36.iSx4WIvakA(SourceFile:489)
at class.JYhPYQcZf6.Ma4vZ9hcx8(SourceFile:197)
at com.wurmonline.client.XU4A7KzrWy.iexN2x5i03(SourceFile:328)
at Source)
Startup Phase - Disconnected, trying to reconnect...
Disabling Nagles
Disabling Nagles
Fev 09, 2014 9:14:06 AM class.MWG54dNHR1 run
Informações: PostRequest parameters: [name=v, value=1, name=tid, value=UA-44537377-1, name=cid, value=f9004024-e8b9-4f86-a9d1-fff6129b8ea1, name=t, value=event, name=an, value=Wurm Client, name=av, value=3.30-5856 [unstable], name=ec, value=Churn, name=ea, value=collect, name=el, value=Login, name=ev, value=true, name=cd01, value=64878899]
Login successful
Fev 09, 2014 9:14:06 AM class.MWG54dNHR1 run
Informações: Event successfully posted to Google Analytics

Happens with both clients, the stable and unstable one, this java crash happens everytime I come back from the disconnect
It seems to be happening only with me in-game, in the spawn lake canal of Release

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Same thing for me.

Disconnecting/Reconnecting Loop again and again (I witnessed more 50 loops in a raw before I get to bored).

Sometimes no problem. In this case, good performances.

The deco/reco loop don't seemed to be linked with the hour of the day or internet traffic.

I'd like to have an answer, other than 'try to change this thing in your settings'. I'm tired of trying all what you tell.

The problem is not my video card (one-year old, not supermarket one, up-to-date drivers). The problem is not my JAVA version (64bits, wurm launched with the 64 bits version, with a 64 bits Window version). The problem is not the GLSL (disabling don't correct bug). The problem is not the FBO (disabling don't correct bug). The problem is not my internet connection (good speed, tested during loops, not problem on other mmos). The problem is not my RAM (8Go). The problem is not my account or character location (same thing with 3 accounts). The problem is not the fullscreen/window mode (same problem with both). The problem is not server-specific (same thing on celebration/release and Golden Valley). The problem is not my video card configuration (tried to let it control or letting the application control anti-aliasing, VSync,etc.). The problem is not due to huge internet traffic hour (same thing during Saturday Night and middle-week, both europe time zone and us time zone). And please, yes ! I'm sure when I answer you. Three years in a computers high school in France !


So now, What ?

Do you suggest 20th solutions to all the users experiencing this bug or do you starts to suppose the problem could be on the server-side ?


And sorry for getting angry. I apologize. Just so annoying...

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I'm still waiting for a solution.

Edited by Etoyoc

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