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Way to cool items quicker

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I hate having to wait for my lumps to cool down so I can throw them into my bsb's, there should be a way to cool them down quicker... Like put them in a container with water in it o.0.


Anyways, just want to have some way to cool stuff down quicker.

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Put them in an empty container in a cold forge and they'll cool down in 3 seconds flat. Cauldron works well.

Edited by EliasTheCrimson

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Wow, thanks. I was wondering the same thing myself. I hated having to put my food items on the ground to get them to cool faster before bsbing them. Especially cooked meat. Cold forged lunchmeat it is then! XD

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The suggestion has merit anyway. Having to have 2 forges is frustrating when you have a barrel for water already.

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The suggestion has merit anyway. Having to have 2 forges is frustrating when you have a barrel for water already.

If the same people that commented in the "automatically cool items when putting into a bsb" suggestion come back, they are going to argue that anything hot inside the barrel would burn and destroy it, and that the suggestion is too unrealistic or that it breaks immersion.

They forget the fact they work with molten metal in their character's bare hands and that they use those same hands to fuse rock shards together to make slabs. ;-)


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You have an easy way to cool them there isn't a reason to implement something to cool them faster than 3 seconds

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Still some bigger things are hard to put into container to put it into cold forge. Chain barding for example

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A legitimate cooling container other than "utilizing" an unlit forge breaks immersion and has no real explanation. A water trough used to temper OR cool would be neat to have next to a forge.

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