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Graphics glitch

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Okay, so in the tutorial in the cave bit the walls and floor are invisible and i can just see water, particle effects people and dropped items. I managed to get past that but I can't leave the tutorial place because the portal that you have to click is invisible, I got a friend to tell me if it's there for him and he said that he can see it fine. Please help.


My specs are:

AMD Radeon R9 270x

Intel Core i5 4570 @ 3.20GHz

8GB ram


Oh yeah i forgot to add i tried reinstalling my game and verifying all packs but it's the same. I also tried disabling GLSL but even more things dissapeared.

Edited by pinomin666

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I am also having graphic issues, all bsb are missing from every deed. 

I also have AMD - I just installed new drivers today, so I'm reverting to the previous build and trying again. 

Edited by Stargrace

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So I reverted from the beta AMD drivers I was using, to my old ones, and it works just fine again. Hope that helps you out a bit with your graphic issues Pinom

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Okay, I had the beta drivers, so I went back to the 13.12 drivers and it seems to have fixed some lighting effects but the portal is still not there so I can't go to Freedom Isles. I can see the other portal for Epic fine.

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Having the same issue here, just updated to amd_catalyst_14.1_betav1.6 with my R9 290 and all BSB's, FSB's, and my one small barrel are invisible. Cave interiors also aren't loading, you just see through to the water layer below or the other side of the mountain.

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Here's a screenshot. As I said I still can't get out of the tutorial after downgrading my drivers.



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WOW. Same issue here... same drivers. Here's my problem:





I'm trying to revert the drivers back now.

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So, I finally managed to fix it. I thought that installing 13.2 drivers would overwrite the beta ones, but it didn't. After uninstaling the drivers and installing 13.2 again it works perfectly. Kinda sucks because battlefield 4 worked much better on the beta drivers but I guess I'll deal with it.

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Yeah make sure you folks who are trying to fix the issue don't just overwrite the beta drivers, you have to do a full uninstall then reinstall the non-beta. It should clear it up. 

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Yup had the bsb/fsb issue a couple days ago. Uninstall and reinstall of older driver worked fine.

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