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Wurm Online | Up until now | Featuring We all can fly by Milo Taylor

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This is a collection of screenshot I've taken since I started doing my own deeds, Hence the name "Up until now"

"We all can fly" is a piece I wrote awhile back and thought it suited the shots. I hope you enjoy the track as well.




Wurm Online Playlist

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Lots of nice shots. I liked the night shots in the first half the best, with the water and boats in front of the property.

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Okay, as a photo album it has meaning to you.  I think it's well put together, but I don't see much of a storyline to draw someone into the clip.   Who is the intended audience?

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Nice slideshow and I think the music would sound better with a different instrument set - there's definitely some potential there!

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I was enjoying the music so much I missed most of the videos. hehe. Very nicely done.  You are a very talented person.

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hehe thx for all the mixed comments guys.


Pretty much everything I put up here Is cause I want to and hope some people like it. Wurm is a game where people sit there and grind skills and watch vids or music, so I just make these vids so hopefully it "passes peoples time, while on the grind". sing it! "passes people time , while on the grind"!

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Okay, as a photo album it has meaning to you.  I think it's well put together, but I don't see much of a storyline to draw someone into the clip.   Who is the intended audience?



Storyline? It doesn't need a storyline.  If you randomly see a picture anywhere else it doesn't need a storyline its just a picture. This is just a bunch of awesome wurm screenshots with some nice music :)

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They are actually in chronological order. I see that from the outside people probably can't see that as easily, but to friends and people that know where I've lived and visited its a lot easier.

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Thanks for sharing ur screenshots =)

I got nearly 12.500 screenies.. guess I gotta make similiar video one day and show what terraforming can really do to the land haha.

Edited by silakka

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