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Traders now receive bonus coins depending on kingdom size?

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On Elevation and Chaos, traders now receive bonus coins depending on kingdom size.


Selling may yield bonus iron depending on the land % in the kingdom.



Elevation players 54/400


Deliverance players 105/400


Pristine players 133/400


Independence players 202/800


Exodus players 118/800


Celebration players 87/400


Serenity players 96/400


Desertion players 71/400


Release players 126/400


Chaos players 66/800


Affliction players  24/400


Total players


Edited by Protunia

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At this point who cares.  Rolf is going to make this a PVP game if he has to stop paying Freedom Traders anything to encourage placing on the PVP servers.  Not sure why anyone is suprised at this.

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There's a coffer for each server


I realize that I also know they have multiple Traders all over Non PvP Servers collecting Coin as well.


I just want to know why?


Indy has a much larger Kingdom as far as I am concerned.


Should all Servers have the PMK's as well and get a chance at this BONUS coin?


Does this mean those with less % of a Kingdom size get less coin??  I doubt it.


Of to work...have fun.

Edited by Protunia

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Each server has an independent coffer from all other servers (correct me if I am wrong)


Freedom servers would have 100% bonus to their traders, since it is a united kingdom.  Freedom servers would not be losing money because 1 kingdom has a larger control of land on Chaos.


Chaos Coffer would be split with Chaos Traders from Chaos upkeep.


Nothing in the release notes state that iron will be created from thin air...

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1. You don't need guards in deed on care-bear servers and your guards cost only 1s per month


2. This is PvP stimulation not giving free money for all....

3. Totally different kingdom coffers


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 Is mad because he feels cheated because his numerouse Trader's, both on the new and old cluster will not generate 1s more. Muffin, life is so unfair.



Deal With It

Edited by AnarchistRise

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It'd finally be a cool incentive to gain land percentage.

Edited by Cornchips

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People take a bigger risk on PVP servers, so it makes sense the reward is higher for us and now PMKs have a good reason to claim more land!


There's no point in complaining Protunia, you can settle on PVP yourself if you want to.

Edited by Bittereinder

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Yea more money for people who have traders on each kingdom ;3 thanks rolf

keep getting that land while i rake da silvers.

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Posted · Hidden by Shrimpiie, February 12, 2014 - Removed - Banned member
Hidden by Shrimpiie, February 12, 2014 - Removed - Banned member

Hey, ProTuna, you mad bro?

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Posted · Hidden by Shrimpiie, February 12, 2014 - Removed - Response to now hidden post
Hidden by Shrimpiie, February 12, 2014 - Removed - Response to now hidden post

Hey, ProTuna, you mad bro?

New guy!! really? :P


nah I just like asking questions to see the response to get out of the real answer ;)

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the devs want this as a pvp game get over it they are adding incentives to pvp servers so come on over and be a freedomer on JKH or if you wanna pvp go to elevation

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I would speculate Rolf wants to make kingdom influence have a much larger impact on gameplay. Having it linked to traders and coin supply would at least in theory encourage more tower construction and overall conquering.


Eventually theres going to be collisions in certain areas, thus more pvp.


Possibly other reasons for the change as well. We shall see what emerges.


EDIT: Should have no direct impact on pve servers.

Edited by Klaa

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I love how incentives for kingdom expansion in pvp zones is seen by all the freedom players as Rolf trying to force everyone to pvp. God forbid he ever make guards cost the same on freedom as ours do on epic.

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I don't really understand the motive for this change; just seems like it would only assist those who are in established kingdoms and not encourage new kingdoms to form. Saying this as a JK who has almost same /kingdom control as MR so it's not really punishing us but I feel for the BL guys or any new PMK that might form.

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I don't really understand the motive for this change; just seems like it would only assist those who are in established kingdoms and not encourage new kingdoms to form. Saying this as a JK who has almost same /kingdom control as MR so it's not really punishing us but I feel for the BL guys or any new PMK that might form.


Would be nice if a chunk of change went to the battle camps, and upon raiding them you could drain them.  This would encourage players to continually conquer them and keep PVP in different aspects outside of Traders.

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I don't really understand the motive for this change; just seems like it would only assist those who are in established kingdoms and not encourage new kingdoms to form. Saying this as a JK who has almost same /kingdom control as MR so it's not really punishing us but I feel for the BL guys or any new PMK that might form.


Dont feel bad there wont be any new pmks anyway with the pop requirements.

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My guess is that it's an attempt at making it more attractive to recruit players. Not sure how it would help since afaik the biggest problem isn't that new players are being denied entry :s

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Connecting trader cash to actually meaningful player effort is a positive thing. Albeit a bit flimsy (does it make sense for the already more powerful kingdoms to receive a bonus?), I'm sure as hell not gonna -1 this.

Edited by EliasTheCrimson

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There will not be any change for the Freedom and Home Servers.



These changes are only affecting Elevation and Chaos. This has been implemented because it is logically, don't think that anyone can say if this is fair because there are different points every time.


Rage => OFF!

Edited by Sklo:D

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I think this is trollbait.




  • On Elevation and Chaos, traders now receive bonus coins depending on kingdom size. Selling may yield bonus iron depending on the land % in the kingdom. Battle camps increase this value by up to 10% per camp controlled.



No, definitely this is trollbait, or Protunia has a very very bad reading comprehension.

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