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Horse/bull plow

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This is kinda like a large cart only you set it in a specific direction you hit your auto move button and it tills the land in that direction while moving very very slowly so the timer runs down as you go. There could also be a option to go back over and place a item like corn or cotton in it and as you go over it it sows the land. It would seriously help those that aren't able to farm that often speed the process up and help farmers get their yields done faster.

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-1 sorry, but other then being used as transports/war machines I dislike vehicles.

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I'd like this idea only for the following; turns packed tiles into soil.  Must "lead" bull, bison or horse who has simple plow attached.  Leading is speed of a large card.

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If it were implemented to cultivate/sow multiple tiles, I can sorta see it. Higher end crafting to make, mid level Animal Handling and Farming to use. Not sure it wouldn't be seen as an imbalance where crop production is concerned though.

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I think wurm is a game that many of us play, in some fashion, because it is time consuming, because actions are a little more realistically slow. Having an unattended plow moving forward, adds a degree of automation to wurm that I don't think many of us want. At least, I don't.


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