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Mouse cursor sensitivity

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Been having this issue ever since installer W8.1, The mouse cursor seems to spazz out whenever you try and look around sometimes. Mostly if i screen out and do something outside wurm and then click on the game again it sets me looking up in the sky. But sometimes when i just try to chage the view it spazzed out and moved it 180 degrees.


tried running the game in compability mode

changed the sensitivity in game

enabled/disabled DPI scaling in options.



anyone else having this issue?


the mouse is a Logitech G600

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Someone had told me there was a registry fix for it on windows but didn't have the link hah.


Running windows 8.1 64bit

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There are a few different issues specific to Windows 8.1 that can cause mouse problems.  Although they have fixes, some of them require tweaks on a per game basis (including registry tweaks).  There's some basic information about the problems and links to more information (including how to fix them) here:



Same issue on VMWare Workstation 10


The issue with VMWare may be unrelated.  Virtualization software like VMWare often has an option to choose between relative and absolute mouse movement.  In VMWare, the option is named "Enable Relative Mouse".  Relative movement communicates the changes in position, while absolute movement communicates the actual positions.  The Wurm Online client specifically expects relative movement when dragging the mouse to look and will tend to encounter similar issues if absolute movement is used instead.



Also, the client has a sensitivity console command you can use to fine tune the mouse look sensitivity if you want once you get the other problems fixed.  You can use it by bringing up the Wurm console (F1 by default) while in-game and typing "sensitivity <value>" (without the quotes, replacing <value> with a 32-bit floating point value).  For example, you could use "sensitivity 5", "sensitivity 9.2", or "sensitivity 1e1".  It's recommended to try values between 0 and 10, though there aren't explicit bounds on the input, so you can try values outside that range if you want.  After you find a value you like, you can add the command to your autorun.txt file(s) to automatically execute the command when logging in.

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