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ETA on lighting being fixed?

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When is it foreseen that lighting will be fixed? our horses look oiled up, and caves are daaaaarrrrrrkkkkkkk even with lamps.


If it's not going to be fixed soon, might I suggest reverted it to the old one? :/ everything looks alot worse.

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This does need to be a priority.  I went into my mine today with a 90 ql rare lantern with 248x3 white paint, and I could barely see the ground at my feet.  That's just ridiculous.

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It will likely be an ongoing transition, fixes and tweaks with each update..

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Mhh - temp fix would be raising the gamma correction while playing wurm ;)

But just a tiny bit, otherwise it could screw up all colors =D

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it would be nice.  Please fix the lighting my old eyes are going blind trying to see what I am mineing very hard to not make mistakes and you dont weant to mine the wrong places as its expensive to fix mine errors

Pluse cant see what I am fighting in the cave some times its nuts

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I find it odd, that some people have such bad cave lighting, and for me, I can see perfectly fine, it's actually really nice, with QL 30 lamps in my caves. Still have severe bright lighting bugs most of the time when my mag priest casts 'light token' though. (persistant extreme light that lasts for hours, for the priest only)

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yep, I think it is depending on the used graphics adapter

got an ati 7700 and - got also dark caves...

I compensate it with using now 65% brightness on my led tft instead of 50% ^^

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Everything looks ridiculously glossy, and some fool in-game was arguing me that it was intended and that it actually looked better.


I havent suffered the cave darkness thing too much, despite having a really cheap video card.


I hope its fixed soon, since the plastic look is not favoring the game.

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I hope its fixed soon, since the plastic look is not favoring the game.


You don't know how many jokes we made about the plastic looking horses.




But yes, I want some flesh and bone horses, plastic is kinda meh after a while.

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The snow is blinding white as it is.. I don't want to turn up my gamma correction. Please fix this issue. Skip everything else and just fix the lighting before anything else please.  


And why did you break it in the first place? It was nice looking some month ago ,, why even check something into production when it's not ready!?!

Edited by Torgrim

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Torgrim relax. They tweak things to get it back to perfect.


Also i think they should be testing lightning on test server first before getting it on the main.


If it was tested it should be a lesson to test it better next time.

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I am relaxed. no worries :P


I do understand the feeling of achievement and the exitement to show it to everyone, it's a good thing devs have it, it shows they are motivated but sometimes you just gotta hold it back and have some patience. 

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Meanwhile on the serenity highway system, roads were blocked off by a 7- cart wreck since a shiney horse blinded the initial wrecked driver. In a statement by the mans lawyer, he reports that it's the horses fault, not his.

Edited by Radni

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