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News Update: Work And Progress. Week 5

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I have a new computer as of 12/25/2013. At first try I was able to load and play the game, but now every update since that day, I could not even load the game. This most recent update allows me to load it completely, but if I try to move my character, I get a game crash <null>. I have my settings turned down to low, disabled many others, why can't I play the game?


I have been playing on my old computer, but today's update has caused a very serious system crash on that computer, basically burning it up! I just spent over $50 American Dollars on this game and would like to play it, but now I can not play it on any of my computers (I have 4 of them). I can't get support since that is located in-game. I have no idea how to fix these problems!


Do I have to sue the game creators to get it fixed or to get a refund and compensation for my older computer totally crashed now?


Extremely Frustrated and Unhappy :wub:  :unsure:  :huh:

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Today's update was purely graphical so can't cause any serious system crashes. Please make a thread in the Technical Issues forum section where you post the contents of the console.playername.log file which is located in your Wurm folder if you wish to receive any constructive help.

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Can you post the thread for Technical Issues. I tried to use the search, but only got your post back as a result. This forum is rather confusing to me. Also the problems I am having with this game on any of my computers concerns only the graphics and Java.



Edited by Frustrated

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