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Wilderness Journal

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Week 4, Day of Tears – 1037


I found a horse dead today; dead with baby. Her death, of reasons unknown, brings about thoughts of my own mortality here in the wilds. Seeking safety further from the waters may shelter me from the raiders, but what other dangers have I opened myself too. Every night I hear the cracking of branches just off my perimeter, the growls of predators and the ever present smell of ash. In the light of day, I find that deer and cows graze happily, though at night I fear there happiness is extinguished when the spiders come. Fo protect me now, tis a dangerous land.


All is for naught; I have become stronger in this feral landscape.  With my aptitude for the sword I grow braver each day. I work the land as any proud woodsman would and enjoy the beautiful sights that are awarded me. Just out my window, I am reminded of my simple past as I look out at the Orchard Bay and remember the times spent next to my hermit neighbor, Eobersig. I can just make out his place from here and I wonder what new explorers pester him? Perhaps I should stop by soon and enjoy one of his meals, for they are the best in the bay.


Life would be easier closer to civilization, but what would life be if it were easy? Perhaps soon others will find my mountain nice. Well, maybe after the spiders leave, then this could be a paradise for others besides my livestock and me.



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