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PVP Pet Question

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What if two players from different kingdoms on Chaos had tamed pets?

What if they were both walking in the woods on Chaos and happened upon each other?

What if we both stared at the other's pet, grinned, and made a wager?

What if both agreed to give the other something if his or her pet wins the fight?

What if they both told their pets to attack the other pet?

What if they actually kept the promise, the loser paid up and they parted ways?


All kidding aside, can pets attack other pets?  I have actually never tried it.


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I have wanted to have organized dog fights for years... yes they can iirc

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Course pets are considered part of the same kingdom as their owner, and will autoattack enemy kd when in range.


Afaik you can order pets to attack same kd or allied through menu commands (no keybinds). Dont quote me though as I hate using the menu orders, too much lag time and they rarely work well anyways. Never been sure if its taming-related.

Edited by Klaa

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If you order your pet within attacking distance of the enemy and then order it to attack a specific target, it will. As far as I'm aware, from my own testing, ordering a pet to attack does nothing, unless you are close enough. Think of something similar to the target menu, you target the enemy, get within range and attack whomever you targeted, it works the same with pet's, except you have to tell them where to move... Usually.

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