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Wipe on, wipe off - improving current content list.

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I will check replies and update this post.

N.B. - Post is being re-built / updated as I figure out what Rolf has broken :P (Seriously, good job, I am back because you did so much bug hunting. Well done!)

With all the really exciting big changes, I thought that we should start requesting some features to polish and smooth out the experience, only improvements or alternation of what we already have:


  • Permission change for allies with item pick up. (Implemented)
  • Ability to allow individuals to build.
  • Designating tiles to individuals with individual permissions (**).
  • Individual specific roles for people on a deed. (Implemented)
  • Perimeter in one direction
  • Activity / production indexes to give bonuses to villages with multiple players (look at ways to discount alts from this.)
  • Creatures could be more aggressive toward and do damage to small deeds at night to discourage 0-1 populations.


(**) This means you can create parcels of land, like a sub-deed to lease our or give to friends.

As an option for leasing: Upkeep can go directly to that parcel and decay to the rest of the deed if the parcel holder is paying.




  • Reduce the cargo of Knarrs, they will still be fast raiding ships and party transports.
  • Give caravals the ability to load animals and to have an inbuilt forge / oven to work while sailing + bed to get SB.
  • How many crates you can load could depend on quality up to the maximum.
  • Number of animals you can tow or load can depend on quality.
  • There can be a minimum quality to enable animal loading.
  • Ships lower sails and have speed based on quality level.


  •  "Run" + "x speed" + "hit land" = "Push boat / dig it out causes QL damage"
  • Ocean creatures cause damage when fighting them, like trolls to carts
  • Crossing servers damages ships.
  • Ships need new sails, oars and ropes time to time to be added to their ships as part of repairs.


I believe the building of ships is a village goal and should remain as difficult as it is. See above for ideas on making villages viable.


There are two main things you can use with ships to help fix their economy. Damage and quality level. Not that the quality changes are listed first and recommended in that order.


Damage penalises bad navigators.  Why were you "running" your ship at land or shallow canal with a gale behind you? Why were you doing that in a caraval or cog?

This may also mean that large ships need to be moored further out with smaller ones being needed to get to and from them. Dragging a flotilla of rafts full of crates and such might be an option.

However, caution! This could be a real nuisance, more complexity without real depth added to the game.


  • [Domesticated] trait.
  • Move cows about more for less packing. (Attempts and changes seem to have been made.)
  • Fix NE corner of field gathering bug
  • Names for all domesticated animals.
  • Can not target the horse you are riding. (Implemented)
  • Horse health bar.
  • Allow newbies to hitch a cow to a small cart and lead it. Pretty pretty please!!! This would be so cute!!! :wub:
  • Bridles actually improve turning circles (and maybe reversing?) (Better idea : used to lead animals now.)
  • Saddles, barding, shoes for cows and bulls - war-cow!!!  :D
  • Animals being lead clip through houses. Pops out if left as a surprise. (Pass door flag)

Armour, weapons and combat:

  • Repair all weapons and armour option.
  • Cloth, leather & studded boost / don't penalise bow rate of fire and huge weapons offensive. (Implemented)
  • Weapon balancing and formations
  • Other tools as weapons, example: butcher's knife could be quicker than a small sword with less damage and parry.
  • Key binds for archery.
  • Armour racks display different types of armour depending on the highest QL item in them.


  • Watch bars - right click someone or an animal get a little bar with their health and name under or next to it (similar to target window in function but like timers in appearance)
  • Bound "Take" key works on crates and brings up the amount menu or it default to as many as we can carry.
  • Unloading the half of the server you passed through three hours ago.
  • Getting off a cart as a passenger even in your own home and getting stuck in the building's walls.
  • Lighten up mines. (? Need info, seems it has happened?)
  • Inventory auto scrolls to see newest item at the bottom / put it at the top.
  • Allow body stat gains on de-prems, suppress their abilities. They have paid and will in all likelihood pay again.
  • Chaos dragon armour needs to be improved with dragon hides. (1)
  • (Chaos dragon armour drops when you log out?) (1)
  • Vynora characteristics are going up 10% faster, consider other faiths. (2)
  • The follower bonuses need to be normalized
  • Sell to token part of tutorial that ends with new players getting a mallet from a merchant.
  • Please soften crossing tiles diagonally, using a % and previous tile, so horses don't get stuck so much.
  • Metallurgy + Jewelry = priest statuettes with mixed metal textures and better details.
  • Ash from forges / ovens etc, quanties by time burning or kgs of fuel used.
  • Wood typing all items, either all pine or all the varieties.
  • Change the side the ladders up in houses are displayed.
  • Using cutlery means you can eat meals sooner.
  • Ability to kick/jettison someone out of the cart/boat
  • Keys - only make copies from iron, only iron can unlock, copper keys can only be given by iron key holder.
  • Seasoning, HFC and meals.
  • Grass, sand, steppe textures for concealed mine doors.
  • Name (Implemented) and alliance permissions for carts and boats.
  • One passenger for wagons.
  • /bank command
  • Character names defining different clients.
  • Crops take longer to become ripe and give the right yield for time on deeds.
  • Align push and pull to grid
  • Add friends from chat window.
  • Roof planning 
  • Title bonuses, such as weapon smithing


Player versus Monster:

  • Troll King drops something more useful.
  • Raids - use "champ" named creatures that require teams to kill them.
  • Dragons re-spawn randomly as uniques across the server after death. (This has changed?)


Nathan + Nahjo gives BL pretty much a full set of spells except for Nimbleness.

Please either add Nimbleness to Tosiek or make BoTD's speed bonus apply to weapons in the same way.


The following are legacy to explain responses in this thread and have no present value:






  • Mag priests have huge damage, saved inventories and dominate trolls.
  • Fo priests have healing, incredible defense and charm *breedable* champ crocodiles.
  • Vyn have a rounded support set of spells, such as nimbleness, locate and they are needed for PVP.
  • Lib priests have ....? Web Armour, Rotting Touch, (which is the only dmg enchant with a cool down) and they can't fight along side other priests, (3 vs 1). Any WL kingdom has access to all three priests.(3)
  • Consider making one of the white lighter faiths into a black lighter as a bandaid fix.
  • OR
  • Give BL another priest that has supportive spells and take some away from the main one. (Two priests) (Implemented in a different way.)


On 04/02/2014 at 5:43 PM, shankiest said:

shrimpie please become bl and spend 30 silver a month to compete with wl spells pls.
EDIT:suggestion give dam bl another priest have supportive spells take some away from the main one

 (1) - "the end result is that dragon armour is rare as [-----] and still great, but prohibitively difficult to maintain or field with any regularity so most folks fight in full plate.
"and what do you know, when dying doesn't mean you lose over $137 USD in equipment that you can't get back through normal means, people are more prone to PVPing"
(2) - "Magranon has +25% to all things archery and all things shields, which is nice and all, but that's only to the skills themselves but if I'm grinding archery, I'll take +10% archery +10% bow skill +10% BODY CONTROL over +25% archery +25% bow skill"
(3) - "We have NO EQUIVALENT to Locate Soul, so blacklighter villages have to log in to a [---- (cursed)] "Vyn priest alt just to track enemy movement from afar.
"NO EQUIVALENT to Nimbleness but for Truehit, a [------] combat buff that any enemy priest can dispel
"if a Libila village tries to go purist and have no WL alts, they are [------ (in trouble)] because their weapons can't hit for [---- (with any effectiveness)], they can't grind [skills] [---- (as well as the others)], they can't track enemy movement [----- (with the same ease or ability)]
"Nothing stops a white-lighter from pumping his stats & skills as a Vyn follower before converting to Mag/Fo, going priest, and reaping the benefits of a well-developed character"

Legacy threads:
FarmerBob for additional items/previous conversations
Propheteer - (Theater Thread) Changes suggested from the Epic server - Currently inactive but a great list from another perspective
Lockehalfblood - General suggestion thread looking for (a lot of contested) ideas to address Chaos/Wild "end-game" gameplay
Hussars - Tarting Wurm to attract players.

Edited by Jenshiye

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-1 to your things referring to priests, heavy -1.

+1 to unloadin the world after you pass it

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-1 to priest stuff, bl just needs some sort of locate soul equivalent.


-1 to removing body stat cap, alts that were prem for a month should not be able to bash/catapult/steal/ride horses.


Not sure why chaos drake should be imped with drake, its far too late for that to be implemented, and people on chaos could go to freedom to imp it if that was implemented anyway.


Watch bars already exist, toggle selected and mouse over.

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BL priests are some of the most powerful in game. I might go BL and kill everyone some day.

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-1 to removing body stat cap, alts that were prem for a month should not be able to bash/catapult/steal/ride horses.


I will clarify that as gains, suppress the abilities.



Not sure why chaos drake should be imped with drake, its far too late for that to be implemented, and people on chaos could go to freedom to imp it if that was implemented anyway.


It would include Freedom servers and it would be like fountain back packs, it the affect will fade in over time.




BL priests are some of the most powerful in game. I might go BL and kill everyone some day.


After grinding as Vyn? :D:P

Edited by Jenshiye

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List updated. Just want to point out that the priest stuff and Chaos stuff is gathered in game. ;)

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Dragon Scale or Drake getting murdered, which is large ingame monopoly will never happen, as even some of the CM's and GM alt accounts hold this, and their word goes with a power, personally, I would love if it took its material items to imp it on freedom so it would be funner for newer accounts to pvp, but in general, it doesnt seem right to remove it's ability like that.


+ Priests, BL is probably the strongest when it comes to just straight up beat em' ups, in large bulk, a group of priests is basically a murder party, and with a high cast of RT on their weapons, it's certified murder parties, They just need locate soul.

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Personally, I think dragons should be revised. If they are unique, fine, when they die - spawn the new one in a random place on the server. :)

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Let me get this straight.... you suggest to give bonuses to f2p players (who most likely don't and won't support the game), like cart pulling and characteristic gains.... but you want the people who have drake (who most likely help support the game) to only repair it with drake? How exactly would it benefit Wurm to please the non payers, but piss off the paying ones?

Autoscroll my inventory when I've picked something new up?... yeah, I want that like I want another hole in my head.

Give the BL one WL god as a bandaid fix? Wat??

You claim that these are wanted suggestions... wanted by whom? Certainly not me. The only thing I want out of that list is for mine lighting to be fixed. 

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A lot of these suggestions are about bugs that are known and being worked on.


Some ideas are nice, names for bred animals and such, but does a domesticated trait become necessary then?


I don't see making one of the WL gods a BL to be in any way good, what happens to the followers? what happens on freedom?


Drake requiring drake to imp? That's incredibly unlikely to happen, given we only get new drake when a server opens


Faiths all have different benefits and drawbacks,  I don't see it as necessary to make them all the same bland type

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Reasoning for Drake explained in note (1)




Let me get this straight.... you suggest to give bonuses to f2p players (who most likely don't and won't support the game), like cart pulling and characteristic gains....

Cow and cart for free as that is a big hurdle, the small cart would still be a limit on carrying capacity and with wagons coming it is a small thing to give.

Autoscroll my inventory when I've picked something new up?... yeah, I want that like I want another hole in my head.

That can be an optional setting toggled.

Give the BL one WL god as a bandaid fix? Wat??

Makes for 2vs2

Lib and Vyn could essentially be support and Mag and Fo combat priests, healers and tanks.

Edited by Jenshiye

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only issue if we want a wl spell we need all 3 priests stuck in a cave vs them only needing one priest stuck in a cave wasting 3x more money just able have same thing.

EDIT:mag  smiting/collapse/reinforcing 

vyn=locate soul,nimb,seprate woa/coc

fo-geneisis for bad horses and lt/venom



what wl needs from bl

rotting touch.....thats about it...

bloodthirst? kinda sucks rather have LT on my wep

Edited by shankiest

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... or maybe do away with black light vs white light altogether and just make it four religions in a free for all?

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  • Inventory auto scrolls to see newest item at the bottom.
  • Allow body stat gains on de-prems, suppress their abilities. They have paid and will in all likelihood pay again.
  • Chaos dragon armour needs to be improved with dragon hides. (1)
  • (Chaos dragon armour drops when you log out?) (1)

No, no reason to have this.



The last two, over my dead body. Horrid idea both to require Dragon Hide to improve and the armor dropping upon logout. Absolutely uneeded and bad.

-1 to these 4.




... or maybe do away with black light vs white light altogether and just make it four religions in a free for all?

No thank you, it is fine as it is.

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How about addressing the reasons for those suggestions and having better solutions?


... and no one else have improvements to add to the list from the forums? I seem to be collecting them all in game.

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shrimpie please become bl and spend 30 silver a month to compete with wl spells pls.

EDIT:suggestion give dam bl another priest have supportive spells take some away from the main one

Edited by shankiest

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shrimpie please become bl and spend 30 silver a month to compete with wl spells pls.

EDIT:suggestion give dam bl another priest have supportive spells take some away from the main one


Thank you and added.

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Have all fires generate ash (ovens, forges, etc).

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Have all fires generate ash (ovens, forges, etc).


One ash per kindling? So each time you light the oven or forge it produces one ash if there is space in it?

Edited by Jenshiye

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Seems a little illogical. A rare forge burns longer, so it would produce more mass out of nothing. :unsure:

What if it counted the kgs of fuel then made ash from that? With a minimum of one ash per time it is lit?


Added with both suggestions. :)

Edited by Jenshiye

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