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Pristine sleep bonus?

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Yesterday was 2 crashes, and it has become apparent that all the servers effected was awarded sleep bonus, apart from Pristine server which didn't get any, why?


Also its been known for while now, logging into Pristine we get welcomed to Release server, yet nothing be done about it yet.

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if the crashes last over 5hours, then you are awarded with SB.

These were fixed rather quickly, could have had a dinner and come back to play.

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the crashes was across multiple server and the others effected server was awarded the SB, wouldn't be right nor fair to award some servers a bonus and other no bonus for the exact same issue, plus they rumour about the SB wasn't award coz of the wrong id tag to the server, which means this will keep happening in future till issue is fixed

Edited by Ravenclaw

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I sense entitlement issues...


its actually a confirmed bug by GM, but nothing been done about it yet

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its actually a confirmed bug by GM, but nothing been done about it yet

Was more referring to the threads loaded with comments along the lines of "gimme sb" 


Don't see why such a bug would be left laying about for so long.

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The 'bug' you are talking about being confirmed by a GM was only confirmed last night after the crash - the only bug you seem to be bothered about though is that you didn't get your SB - need to remember that SB after a crash is a gift NOT a right.

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Can it be confirmed that all other servers that had all the same issues as pristine received sleep bonus?

Why is anyone who beings up getting sleep bonus attacked? If the other servers got it for the same stuff we went through it's completely reasonable to expect it for ourselves as well

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you can't treat 1 server any differently to another when its suffered the same as the others, if none the server got SB it would just be accepted as a 'no bonus' crash, but its different tale when you start treating servers differently

Edited by Ravenclaw

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