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(new)Power Path tiles broken?

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I tried to make a power tile on top of a mountain last night, flat, real high up, wouldn't work, made several in several different areas, with different tiles (rock, dirt, grass, packed dirt, cobble, etc) but i could not get a tile that is "a special spot"


can anyone else make a power tile?

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Making any meditation tile is hard, most just find a tile to use.  Although the wiki says you can create path tiles, I've never heard of someone that actually has succeeded.  If anyone has, please share your experience.

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Been hearing rumors for at least a year that no one has been able to make a new one. Not to mention past bug threads on the subject.

Edited by Klaa

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Making any meditation tile is hard, most just find a tile to use.  Although the wiki says you can create path tiles, I've never heard of someone that actually has succeeded.  If anyone has, please share your experience.

Ive made numerous ones, early last year and the year before


literally it used to be, for power tile, go to a high place and make a flat tile

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Been hearing rumors for at least a year that no one has been able to make a new one. Not to mention past bug threads on the subject.

Late Julye/early August last year power tiles were still able to be made

The Deed i was at had all power tiles on the top of the dirt walls, and the walls were finished around that time

Edited by Gone420

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OK I have been asking in CA, kingdom chat and everywhere i can find.  I have climbed the tallest mountains on Serenity and still have yet to find a Power tile.
I tried leveling a 3x3 area of stone nothing

dropping dirt nothing.


If you say it works fine then how do I create a tile?

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OK finally created on

It was on Dirt and no idea why it was any different then the others but i was able to create one.

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