Posted January 26, 2014 (edited) I have a suggestion for the combat system. The idea is to add adrenaline, which goes up the longer you use "basic moves" in a fight. After you get a certain amount of adrenaline, you unlock more powerful moves, but when using the move adrenaline is used up. Every move also has a cool down, so you can't use two moves after one another even if you have enough adrenaline to do so. There is also a swing timer during each move, and the length of the timer depends on the current weapons you are wielding. Larger weapons have longer swing timers, but they do more damage per hit to balance it out. This is an idea of what the new combat window could look like for a Jenn-Kellon using a longsword: In this example, it would work like this: slice, crush, and stab should cause various amounts of damage to different parts of the body and have various amounts of accuracy, and each has a 6 second cool down. Flurry of pain should cause 3 fast hits in a row, but should have a 12 second cool down. None of these moves require adrenaline, and using them adds a bit more adrenaline each time. These four moves are the first ones you use in a fight, and you use them the most often in order to gain more adrenaline. False Props, Sludge, and Carver should require 50% adrenaline, and should bring it down by 50% after used. Each of these moves should have a more powerful effect, should have long cool downs so that you can't use them twice in a row if getting to 50% adrenaline twice in a row. For instance, false props could do a lot of damage as well as slow your opponent's movement speed and lose some focus, sludge could do a lot of damage and cause your opponent to have a longer swing timer for 15 seconds, and carver could be an extremely accurate hit that never misses, glances, or is blocked. Falcon should require 100% adrenaline, and would use 100% when used. It should be the most devastating attack, causing a massive amount of damage (maybe even showing a decapitation animation if it finishes someone off ). This attack would need no cool down, because having to get 100% adrenaline to use it is enough. If a shield is equipped, it should be possible to bash by clicking the "bash" button. Instead of a cool down for bashing, I recommend that opponents are immune to bashes for 12 seconds after being bashed once. That way, no spamming stuns. I think that 2h weapons could gain a "Pommel bash" button. More ideas: One idea would be to add a few moves that create passive buffs for the user, like blocking more hits for X amount of seconds, being immune to stuns for X amount of seconds, or dealing more damage for X amount of seconds. There could even be an ability to break out of stuns, but this should have a long timer so you can't use it repeatedly. With a series of thought out abilities like this, combat could become a bit more skill biased and a bit less like the way it is now. Having various stuns and ways of breaking or avoiding being stunned would be one way.Each weapon type should have a different set of moves, so each weapon has its own style. Each kingdom, including freedom, already have unique special moves for each weapon in the current combat system. I think that the names of the moves could be used for the new system, because they have awesome names already. (An incomplete list of them is here: course, there is room for a whole bunch of abilities. Maybe meditation paths could unlock special threshold or finishing moves. I think that artifact weapons each should have a special move that is unique only to them.Of course, a problem with this would be lag. An easy way to lower this problem would be to make it possible to que combat actions, in a similar way to how you que crafting actions.Each special move should have its own animation, so that other people can tell what move you are using just by watching.Bows could be changed so that they work in this way as well, instead of the "right click shoot head repeat" method we have now. There could be basic, threshold, and finishing moves for bows. Combat could get really interesting. Edited January 29, 2014 by Farkas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 26, 2014 The current focus system has to be made more clearthis could be one of the ways, +1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 26, 2014 Anything is better than the current system. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 26, 2014 (edited) Idea for how to handle duel wielding! A HotS wielding a longsword and medium maul. Both weapons have separate swing timers, but you still only have one adrenaline bar. However, you can swing both weapons at the same time, so you gain adrenaline from basic moves faster. This would turn using double weapons into an interesting alternative to combat. Off hand weapons should do slightly less damage then main hand weapons, and maybe be slightly less accurate also. But combined, your damage output is still great, and should be similar to wielding a single 2h weapon. Here is an idea for archery: Normal, Low Shot, and High Shot have no timers, so you can spam each one over and over. Normal can hit the person on any body part, mostly in the body. Low shot is unlocked at a higher archery level, and allowed for one to aim at lower parts of someone's body to slow their movement down. High shot is unlocked at an even higher level, and allows one to focus on hitting the head, just like one can aim at the head in the current system. Double arrow has a 20 second timer, and allows you to shoot 2 arrows at once , which can hit at two different parts of the body. (Notice how for each weapon, there are 3 ordinary basic moves, and one combo move that has multiple hits, but has a longer timer.) The threshold abilities all have timers, so you can't use them twice after getting 50% adrenaline twice in a row. Stun has a chance of stunning your target, as well as doing a bit of extra damage. Pain lowers your target's focus level, as well as doing extra damage. Accurate is a very accurate shot that does extra damage and rarely misses. The finishing move does a ton of extra damage and rarely misses, but requires 100% adrenaline to use. You may have noticed that it is also possible to melee bash people with your bow, or melee stab people with arrows. The bash should stun your opponent for only a few moments, giving you enough time to swap to melee weapons. After bashing once, it shouldn't be possible to bash the person again for a few seconds (just like with shield bashing, as mentioned above). The arrow stab shouldn't do much damage, and is more of a last resort sort of thing for archers that have nothing to melee with. Each stab does heavy damage to the arrows used, and has a chance of breaking them. Edited January 29, 2014 by Farkas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 26, 2014 Dont forget the eventual crash when the adrenaline and all the other fun stuff being dumped into the body's systems starts to run out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 I'd like to hear a PvPer's opinion on this. Do you think it would be more fun? Would you rather something different? Explain! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 (edited) to me just making the combat system more, consistent would go a long ways. I have no interest in fighting when its random as hell. crits seemed bugged right now and based purely on luck rather than anything else. Is this pretty much the same thing as stamina? Edited January 29, 2014 by Cerberus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 (edited) to me just making the combat system more, consistent would go a long ways. I have no interest in fighting when its random as hell. crits seemed bugged right now and based purely on luck rather than anything else. Is this pretty much the same thing as stamina? No, this is like the adrenaline/fury/special/berserk bar in warrior/berserker classes in other MMOs. Or a bit like focus here. It grows as you fight, and then you spend a bit of it to do stronger blows, and then regain again with normal ones. Edited January 29, 2014 by KanePT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 (edited) Is this pretty much the same thing as stamina? Yeah that's what I was afraid of: People reading this post, and not understanding it correctly, then thinking its a bad idea because they have it all wrong. What I'm saying is this: Instead of automated combat, you would have to click on buttons to select what move you want to use. Moves should have cool downs, so you can't use one twice in a row. There is also a swing timer, so the larger the weapon, the more time between each move. Every time you use a "basic move" (the white ones) you gain a bit of adrenaline. If you build up your adrenaline to 50%, then you can use one of the "threshold moves" (the blue ones), but 50% adrenaline is used up. Threshold moves have varying effects that are more powerful than the basic moves, and you could select the one that would be most suitable, depending on the situation in the fight. If one doesn't use up their adrenaline on a threshold move, and saves it until they get a full bar (100%), they can use the "finishing move", which does a ton of extra damage, but sets the adrenaline back to 0%, so the person has to start gaining it all over again. To make things more complicated, some moves could give a temporary buff, a temporary nerf on your enemy's CR, break out of stuns, make yourself immune to stuns for x amount of seconds, stun your enemy, lower your enemy's focus level, raise your own focus level, etc etc. Maybe some threshold and finishing moves could be unlocked from meditation paths Edited January 29, 2014 by Farkas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 I like the general idea, +1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 (edited) HAHA no thanks! I want more real time and less lights and buttons. Edited January 29, 2014 by Protunia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 (edited) HAHA no thanks! I want more real time and less lights and buttons. We don't always get what we want and this is 10x better than what you have now. But if you can come up with something better, then by all means post it and stop just giving -1. Edited January 29, 2014 by KanePT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 We don't always get what we want and this is 10x better than what you have now. But if you can come up with something better, then by all means post it and stop just giving -1. Oh you wanted a -1 ok then.... Sorry I don't want more lights and buttons....K.I.S.S. It's working fine now and until we can get a more complete overhaul Leave it alone. -1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 the -1 used to be bigger Protunia You changed ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 (edited) <p>so like runescape new combat system that sucks and made them one the biggest lost of players and forced make 2007 server? (aka melee)</p><p>EDIT:actually this is exactly like runescape method.</p><p>fun for pve have variety but in the end for pvps there are going find out whats best skils/wep used like runescape and then only be same idea of you use those certain skills/wep or else you die/are useless.</p> Edited January 29, 2014 by shankiest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 so like runescape new combat system that sucks and made them one the biggest lost of players and forced make 2007 server? (aka melee) this is like, nearly exactly the same at that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 (edited) Oh god. I quit Runescape when they added this.What a horrible horrible idea. -1 Edit: Why can't I get the -1 bigger? Edited January 29, 2014 by GroeneAppel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 (edited) <p>so like runescape new combat system that sucks and made them one the biggest lost of players and forced make 2007 server? (aka melee)</p><p>EDIT:actually this is exactly like runescape method.</p><p>fun for pve have variety but in the end for pvps there are going find out whats best skils/wep used like runescape and then only be same idea of you use those certain skills/wep or else you die/are useless.</p>And that doesn't apply now? People actually use all weapon types on PvP? Edited January 29, 2014 by KanePT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 (edited) And that doesn't apply now? People actually use all weapon types on PvP? actually is starting get better imo and this would only ruin it. EDIT: of course you wouldn't know sorry i didn't mention it earlier ;3 EDIT:guess u could argue that i don't encounter pvp as much but even i have changed from longsword era from before. Edited January 29, 2014 by shankiest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 29, 2014 This is runescape EoC In other words-1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16, 2014 (edited) Reminds me of guild wars. EDIT: Wups necro Edited February 17, 2014 by Ganken Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 18, 2014 (edited) I support not cluttering the interface. The interface is growing and has been for a while. Wish teh game could find a way to stop the bloat form happening. It's a common occurrence in games. Rarely do they cut back; the circumstance pretty much make is so that how cluttered a UI is depends how cluttered it was on launch day. I also think combat which requires too much attention will take attention away from what's happening in your surrounding environment and will make the game either choose between button mashing or situational awareness. Too much focus on button mashing will make mini-radars and 3rd person and combat indicators a requirement. Either that or a dramatic reduction in creature and forest density or creature aggro to reduce the chances of surprise. It's all about attention and where that attention is being spent. I'm more in support of using our environment to win a fight or to escape it. For example, dragging a creature to a guard tower is an example of using your environment to win a fight. Running to a shoreline and swimming into the water is an example of escaping from a fight. I think more things like this are needed. The reason I support these things is because attention is targetted on the environment which preserves the current framework. Edited February 18, 2014 by Lightonfoot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites