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do you have to create a new acct. for every new toon

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So you can't delete your toon and start over, does that mean you have to create a new acct everytime you want to make a new toon?



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Yes. If an account was never premium, it will usually be deleted after approx 3 months inactivity so the name may become available again, but otherwise they're never removed.

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Great thanks, thank god i never got any premium yet. I;m having a hard time getting started and figure i'll try again. It also seems you need to buy premium to make this game work, however i do not want to do this unless i know i am going to enjoy the game. So far it doesn't look like i'm going to succeed....but i'll give it another shot!

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Hi Zathruss,


You don't need premium right off the bat in order to enjoy the game, just a willingness to do the hard yards :)


I suggest checking your server for any towns in Freedom chat or the forums that are looking to take in new players, and spend time getting to know the game, and learning how to use the wiki.


Once you've decided to continue playing, or hit the 20 skill cap on some skills that you wish to work more on, you can go premium then.


Also feel free to ask CA help any questions relating to the game, they're always happy to help you.


Good luck on finding your way!

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You can create up to 5 accounts per email address.


You don't 'need' to buy premium in order to play, but it certainly is a huge bonus.  


Take your time and learn things one step at a time.  Nothing happens fast in Wurm, so don't try to rush to try to 'finish' something.  Everytime you do something, you learn from it and it will make the next step easier.


Use the Wurmpedia as a reference, talk to the community and check the forums for answers.


There are a number of videos you can watch with hints and tips on how to do certain things. 


Here is an interesting series from the Factional Fight guys on having their friend play Wurm for the first time.


You may find that you'll get along better if you join an existing village.  Ask in Freedom Chat if anyone is looking for villagers or check the recruitment forums for a place to hang your hat until you are ready to venture out alone.

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