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Does CoC on Frying pan work? :)

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Just wondering if anyone knows, i thought there was a thread about this already but I couldn't find it searching.

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Nope, they don't.  (No personal test here BUT!) CoC in most (if not all?) cases has to be the item you activate.


So with that said, I haven't tried it, but I'm confident to say that it doesn't.  

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there would of been coc frying pans years ago if it had even slightest advantage.

doesnt work :(

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I wonder if CoC on the steel and flint you light the forge etc with would work?

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I wonder if CoC on the steel and flint you light the forge etc with would work?


that does work, i just got my new 79coc steel&flint and it's amazin.

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Has anyone ever tested coc on ingredients ?


Even if it did make a difference, it would be an enormous waste of favor casting on all veggies and meats, as they cannot combine and keep the enchant on the combined mass.  Do you know any priest that would cast coc on all the 100s of veggies and meats for a grind?

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Even if it did make a difference, it would be an enormous waste of favor casting on all veggies and meats, as they cannot combine and keep the enchant on the combined mass.  Do you know any priest that would cast coc on all the 100s of veggies and meats for a grind?


Well yeah of course, just interested.

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AFAIK you need to have the enchanted item active to get the bonus, and still in some cases the bonus doesn't show (enchanting water with coc for instance, seems to work a bit on CT but not smithing).

So since you never activate the frying pan you won't get coc bonus from it, because its not a tool its a container.


Cooking is still kinda easy to do, and SB-wise is the most cost-effective skill you can grind.

You can fill thousands of frying pans with the ingredients, and then only use the minimum 5 minutes of CoC to fire up the forges/ovens and have the meals cook.

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that does work, i just got my new 79coc steel&flint and it's amazin.

For firemaking, sure, but less likely on the HFC or [more importantly] the SD ;)

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