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Poll on PMK Title/Champ Stacking

PMK Title/Champ Survey  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think the champ system that allows all kingdoms to have multiple champs is fair with large numbers of kingdoms?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. If champs were changed what idea for balance would you like best?

    • Each Kingdom is limited to one champ only.
    • Kingdoms cannot have champs until they reach 40 players.
    • None, champs are fine as is, I don't see a problem.
  3. 3. Which option do you think best defines your outlook on kingdom titles?

    • The titles with combat bonus need to be removed.
    • When title holders from multiple kingdoms are in the same local, the combat rateing is nerfed depending on how many holders there are, the more holders the more the nerf.
    • The kingdom titles are fine, I don't mind title stacking by kingdoms working togather.
    • I will wait and see if this will actually be an issue before I decide.

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There has been a lot of discussion on PMK alliances lately and I want to know what the community thinks on ways to balance the PMK title bonus stacking done by multiple kingdoms working together either as allies or not.    As solution to this issue is crucial to trying to find a way to balance both areas out so that PMKs can be more balanced.   As it stands the community is pushing for the lowering of PMK requirements.   I fully support this idea, but it does leave a few doors open for abuse.   


I'm going to put a bunch of categories and options open on this poll, its like a survey more than anything else.  If anyone has suggestions on more options to add please feel free to add your input, and I'll see If it can get added to the poll.    

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Well, lets say if there would be new pmk allied to one from current ones and they had 6 champs total, then yes, that surely would be an issue..

Why just not make it 1 champ of each god per "light" kingdom? 1 Fo 1 Vyn 1 mag for WL pmks, 3x Lib for BL.

You know, ChampioN, like The best fighter, should be only One anyways.

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Well, lets say if there would be new pmk allied to one from current ones and they had 6 champs total, then yes, that surely would be an issue..

Why just not make it 1 champ of each god per "light" kingdom? 1 Fo 1 Vyn 1 mag for WL pmks, 3x Lib for BL.

You know, ChampioN, like The best fighter, should be only One anyways.


That is a serious problem with the kingdom templates,  I don't like the current template feature, but this poll is based on assuming that the current template system isn't going to be changed.    Personally I think each kingdom should select one god, their tower style, and their kingdom bonus.    If you don't know what kingdom bonus is, that is what weapon proficiency the kingdom kingdom has, and what special moves that they get.    This gives more than just some sort of blanket type of kingdom and encourages more variety.  

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I think it is perfectly fair that both White Light kingdoms can have Champions ( what is it, 3 right ? ) and the Black Light kingdom can have 6. It is not the numbers that need to be altered, just the system itself because, quite frankly in its present state, its fubar'd. 


Kingdom titles  with removed CR bonus ? Hell no way. someone who has been awarded such a prestigious office has the RIGHT, by decree of their chancellor/ emperor, or grand prince, to have an extra layer of protection. What does need changing on that front is leaders need to be able to use their 'King' title and war it like a Champion would. It's deserved and just, for the time that player has put in getting his /her stats high enough, and gaining the trust and fellowship of their brethren. 


As to the first question in the poll, there re only really 3 kingdoms here on Wild, that of Jenn Kellon, Mol rehan, and Horde of the Summoned. Freedom technically cannot be a true kingdom, because they have no 'leader' metaphorically speaking. So they are either out on their own or join one of the three established, as happened to Fort Freedom when they joined MR. 


I will retort, it's not so much the percentage in the code that needs to be looked into regarding Champs, it's the current system here on wild.

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Champs are not even that powerful anymore they have been nerfed to hell, I see no issue the way it is now.


Also a couple players who are high ranking in there kingdom having a minor CR bonus is not an issue. its not even that big of a bonus.


Any player fighting in aggressive now gets a larger CR bonus than the king bonus or assassin bonus. lol

Edited by Suntzu

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Well, lets say if there would be new pmk allied to one from current ones and they had 6 champs total, then yes, that surely would be an issue..

Why just not make it 1 champ of each god per "light" kingdom? 1 Fo 1 Vyn 1 mag for WL pmks, 3x Lib for BL.

You know, ChampioN, like The best fighter, should be only One anyways.


You fail to realize the internal conflicts that will occur if 6 champs were to be on the same team... Down the line the champs will have to make a decision how are we going to handle all trying to get enough points to stay a champ... Im sorry to tell you but with how the game is right now good luck trying to keep 6 players champed its not going to happen. With the addition of more pmks then this then becomes possible again, so at that point what kinda of suggestions can me maded to balance that out? Those are the questions to be asking and getting suggestions on, as a current stand point like you mention if a new pmk were to ally with a current pmk and have 6 champs sooner or later there will be internal conflict that will need to have some resolve. But if you read one of my other suggestions, if you use a dynamic title bonus system, when you are outside of your kingdoms influence loosing % of the bonuses will be a start of balancing having to much power. 

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Thats a great point, as you can see there is no champ issue really when more pmks come around.

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That is a serious problem with the kingdom templates,  I don't like the current template feature, but this poll is based on assuming that the current template system isn't going to be changed.    Personally I think each kingdom should select one god, their tower style, and their kingdom bonus.    If you don't know what kingdom bonus is, that is what weapon proficiency the kingdom kingdom has, and what special moves that they get.    This gives more than just some sort of blanket type of kingdom and encourages more variety.  


Very good idea with selection of 1 god per kingdom, that makes perfect sense. There are 4 gods to follow so 4 different templates, which will be nice to see a variety of different pmks and their play style. Each will have their advantages and disadvantages. The selection of tower style and kingdom bonuses also great ideas, even more diversity.

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A lot of people have been talking about this? really? who? This thread is the first i've heard of it O.o

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yeah i thought the general opinion was that champs got nerfed to much, not that they should be nerfed even furder...

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Why do jen kellon have 2 gods anyways, make one of them not belong to any kingdom like the wurm

Edited by merce

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A lot of people have been talking about this? really? who? This thread is the first i've heard of it O.o


It's a Freedom-esque fabrication using exaggeration techniques in an attempt to create an issue where none exists hoping to carebear up Chaos. imho...

Edited by Suntzu

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Personally the office bonuses are one reason why pmks should have high population minimums.


However, in all my time on the pvp servers, I have never really seen the OP be an issue.

Edited by Klaa

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Imo limiting to 3 champs per kingdom and removing permadeath was all that was needed and Rolf went over the top with the point system. But thats just me.

As for kingdom titles, half of them are useless and don't do anything plus PMKs can't ally anyways.

Edited by Nadroj

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Personally the office bonuses are one reason why pmks should have high population minimums.


However, in all my time on the pvp servers, I have never really seen the OP be an issue.


Aggressive gives you more cr than king bonus now.

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It's a Freedom-esque fabrication using exaggeration techniques in an attempt to create an issue where none exists hoping to carebear up Chaos. imho...


What exactly is carebearing up chaos with the suggestions? Allowing PMK's with a lower population and allowing said pmk's the player driven political experience by allowing alliances, while fixing the exploitable issues of having multiple titled players teaming up by simply changing the system to an influence based center point. Nothing really changes the current pvp situations to much where it breaks the game. Yes there is a little bit of change but again its not game breaking, and its been said many times and also by you that the bonuses are not even that great on a alone stand point.


No one is trying to carebear up chaos, if anything im pretty sure most suggestions are to bring more access to newer groups or even existing ones the ability to make a pmk without having to have half the active population to do so, with an ability to be able to work with other PMK's as well.

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There is no issue if you are not able to make alliances.


It is the exact same issue, you don't have to be allied to stack the deck.  It just makes it a bit more difficult.   Its the same thing.    It seems like so far most ppl don't want things to change, either that or we need to find better solutions to try to keep pvp between kingdoms from being all about titles and less about trying to form active communities.    Heck most ppl can create a kingdom with 20 ppl, which seems to be the popular pick from the PMK limit poll.    All you need are 6 ppl with 2-3 alts or so.    The idea is to keep ppl from rigging the system.    


Other ways you can look at is is: 


  • Prem only counts for formation.   

Unique IPs only.  Alts don't count.   

Edited by Battlepaw

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Aggressive gives you more cr than king bonus now.


King is supposed to give +3, aggressive is supposed to give, well... it never said a number anywhere so I don't know how you get that conclusion.  Aggressive was nerfed hard a day or two after as well when found that it was beyond far too powerful with the cr and damage bonuses and now does... nothing.


As for op everything is fine as said because there are no kingdom alliances.

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It is the exact same issue, you don't have to be allied to stack the deck.  It just makes it a bit more difficult.   Its the same thing.    It seems like so far most ppl don't want things to change, either that or we need to find better solutions to try to keep pvp between kingdoms from being all about titles and less about trying to form active communities.    Heck most ppl can create a kingdom with 20 ppl, which seems to be the popular pick from the PMK limit poll.    All you need are 6 ppl with 2-3 alts or so.    The idea is to keep ppl from rigging the system.    


Other ways you can look at is is: 


  • Prem only counts for formation.   

Unique IPs only.  Alts don't count.   



It doesnt really matter if its just 1 person with 19 alts, that 1 person will not be able to be a part of anything the game has to offer. Everyone should look past who will use what to make up the numbers, that is not important, whats important is how do you stop what people are really complaining about, or for example what happened recently when pmks were allowed to ally and one did and Rolf ninja changed it without giving us a real reason behind it.


Information i gathered by JK about the situation was that mainly alliances was not what Rolf intended and he took it out, I think theres more to the story not against JK's word but i think on Rolf's side i think there is more behind why he did it. Maybe he just didnt want to deal with the problem. Maybe when the problem came up we should have all jumped to the chance to have him fix this right then and there, but it was not on enough peoples mind at the time.


So again, who cares who people are going to make up the numbers to have a pmk, If they add more mini games which are dynamic and not static like HOTA all that means is the 1 person with 19 alts kingdom wont really be a factor, what he will have done is upped the pool on the server though :)

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Im sorry but read up they just said aggressive now gives 3 cr now. Poke that head out of the basement Gary.

Edited by Suntzu

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Im sorry but read up they just said aggressive now gives 3 cr now. Poke that head out of the basement Gary.

meanwhile normal gives 1 cr every 10 skill, normal still superior

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Personally I think I'd adopt a "Wait and see" attitude.   Knee-jerk reactions have caused enough problems.  The reason I wanted to put up the poll was to try a few solutions out on you guys.   I just wish the stupid poll would have let me ask a few more questions.    I really appreciate everyone who is participating and I hope we can get this limit lowered, and ideas on how to limit possible damage by players just out title hunting.   The champ question will be especially important when discussing BL PMKs and if they should have the same champ limit as WL PMKs.    TBH I think they should, since we arn't talking about how things used to be, with 2 WL kingdoms vs 1 BL kingdom, we are talking about multiple PMKs, each with their own path they can blaze.    How is it fair for a BL PMK, that takes only 20 ppl to form, have 6 champions?   That more than two other PMKs combined, and that's not assumeing that PMK isn't just members from a WL crew that just play on that kingdom for the champion alts, and more titles.    

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meanwhile normal gives 1 cr every 10 skill, normal still superior


Maxes out at 2.5 cr at 100 normal... lol. Scales on the way up. Yer confusing it with fight skill, that is 1 cr every 10 in pve and 1 cr every 5 fs in pvp.



Edited by Suntzu

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The restrictions discussed in the poll seem fine to me the way they are now.

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