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Poll on PMK Title/Champ Stacking
Battlepaw, in Suggestions & Ideas
PMK Title/Champ Survey
41 members have voted
1. Do you think the champ system that allows all kingdoms to have multiple champs is fair with large numbers of kingdoms?
2. If champs were changed what idea for balance would you like best?
Each Kingdom is limited to one champ only.7
Kingdoms cannot have champs until they reach 40 players.2
None, champs are fine as is, I don't see a problem.32
3. Which option do you think best defines your outlook on kingdom titles?
The titles with combat bonus need to be removed.4
When title holders from multiple kingdoms are in the same local, the combat rateing is nerfed depending on how many holders there are, the more holders the more the nerf.5
The kingdom titles are fine, I don't mind title stacking by kingdoms working togather.28
I will wait and see if this will actually be an issue before I decide.4