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Demon's Reach (x9, y21) Recruiting - Warden's of the West Alliance

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Demon's Reach
Now Recruiting

Contact: Xor, Bathor, or Supernatural.



I am sort of a jack of all trades myself, no skills very high, but have 50 in many, such as blacksmithing, cloth tailoring, soon fine carpentry, etc. I have a good Vynora Priest who also has high farming (as of this posting, passing the 80 skill mark).


I have two new villagers atm, and am looking to recruit more, As of now I think I have enough room for 6-10 more players.


We're all friendly, relatively active players. I am US Central time (-6 iirc). The alliance has players in many time zones and usually there are at least a couple people online, often more than 10+ online during peak hours.


Village can provide:

  • Meals, increasingly better as I raise my cooking skill on the priest
  • I will help you get a set of 50ql+ tools for your chosen profession (should you pick one)
  • I will also enchant a set of tools for that same profession, whether it be skiller tools, or WoA tools for quicker actions.
  • CoC Enchanted Meditation rugs available for use to grind meditating
  • Path of Love and Path of Knowledge Tiles on deed.
  • 15 Minute walk from Blossom
  • Large and friendly alliance with villages around the bay
  • Free enchantments from my priest as long as you provide the favor
  • Crops, and farms, animals, etc
  • Large mine next door on my neighboring farm deed. Just starting it, but it should have Silver and Copper in it, and we have found plenty of Iron.
  • Coastal Location, close to starter town, and right next to a public market.
  • Will add more as I think of more good things

What I am looking for:

  • Friendly players new or old with premium, or a strong interest in getting premium (I can provide work to pay or help pay for your premium time with your labor in game)
  • Honest, trustworthy, and reliable. We have a lot of players in the alliance, and will eventually have many on deed.
  • Respect others, and others will do you the same courtesy. We don't all have the same opinions or views, you don't need to either, just don't be a prick ;)
  • I may require help around the village sometimes, nothing outrageous or ridiculous. I pay for most work I have done anyway ;).
  • I might add some more to this in the future after thinking on it some more.


Travel Guide with Screenshots from Blossom

There is a cyan Dot on the mini map, about where you would be located, and a red arrow pointing towards where you should be heading.


Edited by Xor

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I would like to be a part of this if its still open. My game name is: Lomanion. Currently a free player but that will change by the 1st of March. I'm new to the game but very adaptable to learn this game. I'm in the pacific time zone.

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I'm pretty interested in joining.  I just started playing again, so I'm currently not premium but more likely than not I'll get it once I get back into the swing of things.  I played back in '08 so I'm a little rusty and on a fresh account.  If you have any spots left open pm me on the forums on ingame at "Nearbosh"

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I'd just to like to say I recently joined DR, and everyone has been nothing but friendly, and very helpful.  Our community center will soon be finished, with tons of room for new settlers. :D

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