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Reduce Quality of Given Steel and Flint to 10

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One of the few items in Wurm that you practically never have to buy because the free one is 50q and lasts for years for most people.  I suggest reducing the quality of the free steel and flint to 10 to create a demand for the crafted product.  It also would not hurt to increase the damage done when using it, again to increase demand for crafted products.



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Not to mention the starter sets are nodrop in pve.


Aye only reason Id ever replace my flint/steel currently would be for an enchanted set.

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-1 from me. It has been a while, but I still remember how painful it is to make a campfire. If you do plan on reducing QL, reduce it no lower than 30 QL.

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+1 to a reduction, to maybe 20. big -1 to increasing the QL of any of the tools. You should feel an almost immediate benefit, from taking the time to craft your own set. Increasing the QL of the starter tools to 30, would mean freedom players hard to grind far more before they could make tools worth replacing them, which is silly. They should exist just to get you on your feet, I believe, not to provide a working solution to last you long periods.

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Id say lowering the ql wouldnt change much, it still only decays if used to make a campfire which occurs knce or twice unless youre skilling firemaking or need large quantities of ash.

Taking damage on all lighting, be it forge oven or campfire I feel would help improve the market for steel and flint

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So... make everyone's gameplay worse to increase some invisible market?



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-1 this would make grinding firemaking too easy if everyone had access to a skiller flint from the get go.

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steel and flint is slod at traders for a few iron maybe 1-2 copper sometimes, what market are u talking about?

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Looks like someone is having a hard time selling steel items.


I seriously can see no advantage to this change in any terms. Not to mention NO ONE would buy a crafted product when it costs 20 iron at any trader at ql 30-40. Basically what this would mean is that people would be queuing at normal traders selling corpses to buy steel and flint.

Last thing the game needs is one more reason for new players to quit.

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So... make everyone's gameplay worse to increase some invisible market?






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