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Hyper-sensitive mouse

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I have a bizarre issue when playing Wurm with a 2nd screen. On my man Samsung S27B970 Wurm plays perfectly. I have a second screen which is an AOC 2353. When I load two Wurm clients and have them both on the Samsung everything is great. If I move one of the Wurm clients to the AOC screen and try to use the Mouse, it is hyper-sensitive meaning even the smallest movement and the mouse rockets across the screen making it virtually impossible to use.


This doesn't happen with any other application/game.


Both screens are plugged in to my Nvidia GeForce GTX 670

Windows 8.1


Mouse is a Anker gaming mouse -


Changing the movement speed to make the mouse slower only works on the main screen, i can make it painfully slow but when I move to the other Wurm client on the other screen it goes extremely quickly!


Any ideas?

Edited by solmark

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My mouse is almost same as yours, maybe somewhere in your mouse control settings you have 2 different speeds set for main menus / main screens.

Good to read the manual of your mouse and maybe check in google / youtube for a fix.

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Thanks, yes i've read the manual, you can change the DPI and polling settings and it works for the main screen but not for the 2nd one.


I wonder if its a screen res issue, my main screen has 2560x1440, whereas the 2nd one has 1920x1080


Tried switching back to a standard USB mouse and I get the same issue, so that rules out the mouse.....

Edited by solmark

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