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Brookhaven 67x109 deed with 3 traders (SOLD)

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I have decided to sell Brookhaven i spend most of my time on pristine now and i am going to downsize on freedom and wait for the servers to be connected. It is a large deed with 3 traders that pays for itself with the trader income. 


Brookhaven 67x109 w/40 perimeter (3 traders on deed at 45x 41y Celebration)

Note: I will consider trades for high end stuff but you need to pm me for that


Starting Bid: 1g 50s

Increments: 5s

No reserves

Buyout: 2g 25s

i hour sniper protection








A few SS but you really have to come look at it..









Here is a pastbin of the 3d deed map about 80-90% done


I don't mine much as i just buy my tools and stuff but there is iron and silver for sure that are uncovered in the little bit i have mined. There is clay/tar on deed water on two sides and i have other trader deeds on every side making it extremity secluded and those will be for sale shortly after this sells or just pm me and we can go over what they are and maybe do a package deal.



Edited by Kegan

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traders made 35% more money this month compared to last month, definetly worth buying! =)

Ran past this beautiful city many times, and it's bigger than u think :o

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I guess i should mention that the deed started at 67x67 to support 4 traders then later expanded to the larger size to "control" the area so it can be downsized back to that 67x67 and keep the traders under deed. I think that would bring down the upkeep to like 8-9s a month.


Edit: It will also support that fourth trader but would need an island built or the land expanded on that end and i did not want to do that.  (the more i talk about it the harder it is to sell i have been struggling with letting go of it for a long time now, lol)

Edited by Kegan

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Gah, if you'd have posted this three weeks ago, I'd have bought it off the bat. :/ now i'm in tears from just placing one. lol

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same thing with my a few months ago.  still drooling over the idea.  pm'd idea

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Well i guess Validate and myself have worked out a buyout deal and this can be closed now..thanks. 

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