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Is anyone else sad that drumrolls for imping are now at the end of the action?

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Getting a drumroll then waiting to see if you get lucky or not was one of the few exciting things to break the monotony of the imping grind. With rolls at the end this excitement is gone, I got an imp earlier today (yay!), but I didn't even notice it because the sound came after the item was already rare. Seeing that excitement gone makes me sad.


I get that creation drumrolls need to be at the end to avoid exploiting, but for imping the benefit would be pretty low. If exploiting is still a concern then how about moving the roll until 25-50% into the action? And move the color swirl until the sound actually begins.


I'm curious since I don't read forums every day - where was this "strong demand" for this change?


To any trigger happy mods: please don't move this into the suggestion forum graveyard. This is an attempt to get a discussion going about a recent change.

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No I am not sad at all and think it should have been done from the get go.


I still think creation needs to be less % and imping more % as a trade off to get away from the 100% bit with creation.


That would have solved part of it as well.

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There were voices for the change, yes. As with any feature, not everyone was "for" it, but it was brought up and seconded by a number of people. The mechanic to change the drum roll to the end of the action is supposed to have more practical results. While - as you suggest - the excitement of that wait after the drum roll is over, many players apparently figured out how to remove that excitement already in favor of a sure way of knowing whether they will get a rare item or not. That was seen as damaging by part of the community, so a suggestion on the forums was made.

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Nope.  I play with sound off and GLSL disabled, I'm used to it.


Same here, so nope, not a big loss for me :)

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do we not get the green image stil? thats what always gets me excited, as i play with sound off as well

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do we not get the green image stil? thats what always gets me excited, as i play with sound off as well

you'll still get it at the end of the action.

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I got supreme rock shard without any drumroll or swirl.

After awhile i got rare rock shard too and it had a swirl


hope supremes didnt lose their drumroll/swirl

Edited by silakka

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I am more sad about people trying to exploit every game mechanic to gain an advantage, so the game mechanic gets nerfed or ruined and destroys the game for the 90% of the players that just want to play the game...

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Should never have added drumrolls, just added a change to turn stuff rare when the action finish and be done with it. 99% of my rares are just useless or outright wasted

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Posted · Hidden by Elen, January 24, 2014 - Off topic.
Hidden by Elen, January 24, 2014 - Off topic.

remove traders

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I am more sad about people trying to exploit every game mechanic to gain an advantage, so the game mechanic gets nerfed or ruined and destroys the game for the 90% of the players that just want to play the game...


Although I agree, isn't this the same for any MMO. If so, why bother saying it.

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Posted · Hidden by Elen, January 24, 2014 - Quoting hidden post.
Hidden by Elen, January 24, 2014 - Quoting hidden post.

remove traders


Remove merce from the game

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Remove merce from the game


He's being ironic...


Rolf seems to remove every fun thing in the game or implement stupid changes like wrapping up and sending stuff, now this... and keeps promising features but doesn't release them... never reading the suggestions which sometimes are really good...


I think some people are getting tired of this.

Edited by Bittereinder

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Yes. Some of these people just want to make the game as dull as possible as long as someone can do something they don't want to. Now remove traders I guess because they cost too much and some people don't want to buy them so no one should have them.

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there is no loss here..only a correction of an exploit.  people who grind n imp n get rares will still go on..and is the intent.  to merely rare farm by queueing actions then canceling til you get rare roll is beyond the intent n spirit of rare..greed shows it's ugly head again.  this change is appropriate

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there is no loss here..only a correction of an exploit.  people who grind n imp n get rares will still go on..and is the intent.  to merely rare farm by queueing actions then canceling til you get rare roll is beyond the intent n spirit of rare..greed shows it's ugly head again.  this change is appropriate

You don't actually get rares by imping stuff, in fact it seems your chance is lowered with each level. Spamming out stuff in bulk is the only failsafe way to get rares, which is partly what lead people to minmax for rares

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As i dont bother to spam out things for rarity i approve of the change. And I am mighty proud to have spent the last 5k rare chances on repair-actions probably.  ;D

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If people want rares, they'll still be able to farm them. Get your stamina down to a point where it takes ~20 seconds to create, spam out a bunch of items, and wait until one of them turns out rare. Little will change except for the load on the database, and rare farmers will be able to charge higher prices because of the extra resource cost it takes to spam rares. The only items that will be noticeably affected by this are the items that are impractical to spam, such as boats or glimmer/ada/drake stuff.


Edit: Haven't tested it myself, but there are rumors that the drumroll was placed far enough from the end of the action that people still have time to cancel it. In which case, this was completely non-solvent and we're all wasting our time.

Edited by Fawkes

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Edit: Haven't tested it myself, but there are rumors that the drumroll was placed far enough from the end of the action that people still have time to cancel it. In which case, this was completely non-solvent and we're all wasting our time.



Edited by Protunia

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I am glad this has been changed,  as too many people have abused the rare system in the past and just sat there and spammed rares. It needed to be changed. 

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I got drumroll + swirl today on my concrete, I created it succesfully but no rare??

I always thought material creations were 100% success on drumroll [atleast so far with all my old rares], did this change too?

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So much "shot oneself in the foot" I've seen happen in the game, I'm surprised there's any foot left.


What did it actually matter if a few exploiters used a mechanic for gain? The market must also be there or they wouldn't have been able to sell anything anyway. It didn't actually affect the game, except positively by keeping useless junk out of the database.


Meanwhile - it's the mass of ordinary players who have again had some of their fun "nerfed" - and when the database fills up like it used to be and no one can move for the lag - it'll be them that has to carry that as well.

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What did it actually matter if a few exploiters used a mechanic for gain? The market must also be there or they wouldn't have been able to sell anything anyway. It didn't actually affect the game, except positively by keeping useless junk out of the database.

Do you know how much junk has been accumulated in the game since the rare thing was implemented? :rolleyes:

Your attitude is appalling.

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