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Coin Found

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I found some coin on the ground - if you think it may be yours please PM me with the amount you lost, a general location, and what else was with the money. If you can answer those and they match with what I found I would love to return it to the rightful owner. 

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You stay at Exodus but found the coins on Pristine?  :blink:

oh well, good luck to find the owner anyway  :lol:

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Sounds like someones dead body decayed away to me...


Good luck finding the right player to hand these items back to Lady Stargrace... it's good to know there are good players like you still out there that think of others. ;)

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You stay at Exodus but found the coins on Pristine?  :blink:

oh well, good luck to find the owner anyway  :lol:


I play more than one character. Like many do. :) 

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Sounds like someones dead body decayed away to me...


Good luck finding the right player to hand these items back to Lady Stargrace... it's good to know there are good players like you still out there that think of others. ;)


Thank you. I just wanted to make sure I tried to return it, I know how important money can be in this game, hehe. 

As another side note, the items that were with the coin were not heavily decayed so if someone hears anything about someone missing some coin please direct them to this post. 

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Thank you. I just wanted to make sure I tried to return it, I know how important money can be in this game, hehe. 

As another side note, the items that were with the coin were not heavily decayed so if someone hears anything about someone missing some coin please direct them to this post. 


Did you check the items for signatures? If below 20ql you could imp them and see if a legible signature shows up.

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Doesn't mean that the sig will match the owner, but it is at least a start.


There was a thread going around about someone who died and didn't think they had any chance of ever finding their body, maybe find that thread and contact the OP to give them a chance, assuming they play on pristine. (IIRC, they did)

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I lost some money recently....

I believe it was somewhere around, or between,  an iron to fifty silvers.

General area was between X1-X41 and Y1-Y41.


Stands to reason it must be mine.

Thanks for finding it mate.

Where can I collect? :D

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If it was around the "Animal Planet" deed with some bowls and such that player gave the coin on the corpse to anyone who found it xP that's on the far east coast

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