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Want to give away two estates to newbies

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I was gifted two large estates by a very kind Wurmite on Indi server. But being a newbie myself(joined barely 5 days ago), I have discovered recently that I am too busy to be maintaining three houses on my own(I have built a house of my own). I am willing to give away the two houses for free to anyone who is willing to maintain them. Newbies are most welcome to take the writs and settle here.


A nice house with some farmland -



A nice bungalow -




Both are unfinished, but I dont think it will take much time to finish them up. 

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Mentalmanja.. in my local language it would mean mentally spoiled  :blink: . Still, nice name anyway.

well, they're nice houses, nice place to stay. Good luck finding a neighbour  :)

and welcome to wurm online  ;)

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Hmmm a noob like me just might be interested.


 They out a fair distance from a village? Is that what the neighbour comment is about?

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This is a nice offer, and a good way to start and find feet. But new guys, please don't abuse such an offer, if you decide to take it, use it well, and before you decide to dissapear, hand the writ back or down to the next guy. It will make area management a lot easier for Manja :)

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Mentalmanja.. in my local language it would mean mentally spoiled  :blink: . Still, nice name anyway.

well, they're nice houses, nice place to stay. Good luck finding a neighbour  :)

and welcome to wurm online  ;)


Well, Mentalmanja is kind of a nickname for eccentric people whose real name is Manju(which literally means 'cool' in Kannada, the local language here :D). Its kind of like Tiny Tim, Big Ben, Dainty Daisy.... Mental Manja. 


Hmmm a noob like me just might be interested.


 They out a fair distance from a village? Is that what the neighbour comment is about?


Ok, tell me when you will be online, and lets try to meet. You can visit the houses and choose one of them. Yes, they aren't inside any village, but kind of like our own settlement. This area is very rich in resources and space, yet not populated. You have a lake at the door step(for fishing), clay, peat, trees, caves, tar, sand available very easily. There are also guard towers near your place. One of the houses has a very scenic and beautiful view of a nearby mountain city called Plunder Hold. You should check this out fast. :)  

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I just noticed the one lacks a roof, i hope the new guys get a beetle inspection certificate for this :P

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