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i'm really sad of selling this account but i need the money to pay for mandates :(

i hope i back to game one day :)

Nick in game is Lezer.

Account hasnt warning. 

You have premium time until 30 Jan 2014 12:02:24 GMT.

Its Rock of the Path of Love, so he can refresh and enchanted grass.

Account going with Corbita and some tools.

Account has 22 titles.

Affinity on Repairing.



Skills dumped at 2014-01-21
Religion: 0.0
Alignment: 96.600006
Faith: 30.0
Favor: 30.0
Skills: 0.0
Paving: 12.588258
Tracking: 7.0942545
Coal-making: 37.09591
Prospecting: 23.690084
Religion: 2.7733092
Prayer: 5.95517
Preaching: 3.0
Clubs: 1.7263079
Huge club: 2.0517402
Healing: 13.052881
First aid: 28.35841
War machines: 1.1673449
Catapults: 1.0
Thievery: 1.0
Traps: 1.0
Lock picking: 1.0
Climbing: 7.915028
Shields: 10.312566
Medium wooden shield: 1.0
Large metal shield: 12.626803
Axes: 32.252533
Huge axe: 55.174465
Large axe: 4.182704
Hatchet: 27.909851
Small Axe: 2.507266
Swords: 18.85795
Shortsword: 1.7676128
Longsword: 36.167168
Knives: 22.66382
Butchering knife: 32.032513
Carving knife: 12.592542
Woodcutting: 56.841637
Carpentry: 48.18036
Fine carpentry: 20.654469
Ship building: 25.811916
Toy making: 1.1965778
Nature: 30.741919
Gardening: 20.154009
Fishing: 10.747891
Animal husbandry: 10.52588
Meditating: 31.995468
Milking: 5.149877
Farming: 52.753372
Forestry: 33.57177
Botanizing: 10.670325
Animal taming: 8.629012
Foraging: 13.796292
Cooking: 22.452673
Dairy food making: 5.632763
Hot food cooking: 43.800846
Baking: 1.7756433
Beverages: 2.3565376
Butchering: 25.36538
Fighting: 72.84571
Shield bashing: 1.0
Taunting: 1.0
Normal fighting: 38.72638
Defensive fighting: 9.254017
Aggressive fighting: 28.823698
Weaponless fighting: 3.6415815
Toys: 3.8811562
Yoyo: 4.5861526
Alchemy: 6.4915705
Natural substances: 15.87173
Miscellaneous items: 59.81147
Stone chisel: 24.825722
Hammer: 60.795944
Sickle: 28.014006
Repairing: 51.282936 *
Saw: 17.023043
Pickaxe: 74.759834
Rake: 41.201912
Shovel: 43.72106
Pottery: 6.1118712
Firemaking: 17.407217
Digging: 58.488823
Mining: 71.73431
Smithing: 48.55834
Metallurgy: 26.280481
Jewelry smithing: 50.00225
Locksmithing: 8.8231125
Blacksmithing: 80.530396
Armour smithing: 19.420378
Shield smithing: 10.216869
Chain armour smithing: 9.508064
Plate armour smithing: 50.30785
Weapon smithing: 25.256886
Blades smithing: 25.608847
Weapon heads smithing: 11.182083
Ropemaking: 54.91776
Masonry: 65.349464
Stone cutting: 31.969925
Tailoring: 41.75965
Leatherworking: 95.14736
Cloth tailoring: 50.058453
Characteristics: 0.0
Soul: 25.26924
Soul strength: 27.240889
Soul depth: 23.212723
Mind: 31.409315
Mind speed: 21.122252
Mind logic: 36.572598
Body: 38.640728
Body stamina: 29.334091
Body strength: 35.303528
Body control: 29.411491



Starting bid: 130e 110e!

min incremts: 5e

sniper protction: 2hours

Open for private offerts.




Edited by Khaleesi

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Damn that leatherworking sounds tempting but I already pay for three accounts :(

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You were, sorry.  I sent a PM to you Khaleesi for payment instructions.  Waiting on your response.

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