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Do new players have a chance?

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I was thinking of trying this game, but is it even worthwhile for a new player to delve into this? I am still reading up on gameplay and such so there is still alot i don't know.

 My main thought is will i be able to obtain a decent plot of land, in a relatively decent area. Or will i end up in a swamp, living in a dinghy haunted by trolls lol.


Thanks for any input received :)


Ps, If i do start playing is there a better seerver to start on?

Edited by Zathruss

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there are still amazing beautiful spots that havent been taken.

Everyone has a chance, atleast in Freedom :P


I started just a year ago and ive gotten pretty far already.

Edited by silakka

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you can achieve quite alot in this game depending on your patience and how much of your time you want to dedicate to this wonderful game. just dont expect to find a perfect spot on the coast right out of the box.. other then that.. welcome to wurm

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You have a perfectly fine chance on any server you choose. I recommend celebration, nice and open.

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Welcome to Wurm!  Great places to settle can still be found on every map, it really just depends on your own desire to locate that special place to call home.  For someone just starting out, my best advice to you is to choose which map you want to live on and find a village there that is recruiting.  By joining a village, you have a safe-haven, support, and a base from which to explore and find your own home.  When you die (not if, but when) you will have a place to spawn where others will help you.  When you feel confident and have your intentions clear in your mind, you can offer a hearty thanks to your new-found friends and start off on your own.


I think there are two things that discourage and defeat some new players to Wurm Online.  


First, they jump in without a plan or goal.  This is a sandbox game.  Your goals are what you make.  Your direction is the one you take.  Don't wander around without purpose and expect everything to just fall into place.  Join a village, get some skills and PLAN what your goals are.  

Second, they fail to use the resources they have.  The Wiki is your friend.  Type "h" and search for help on things you find.  Many, many new players get tired of asking in chat, "How do I make....."  The answers are literally a keystroke away "h".  Also, read the forums, especially the posts on the map you are playing.  You will meet your neighbors.


Most of all, have fun.  This is one of the greatest sandbox games ever made.  Welcome to it!

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Serenity is the most beatufull server of all Wurm, with lot of space and friendly people.

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I echo what Eyesgood said. Join a village to start with whilst you get familiar with the game and to get your base skills up to reasonable levels. Then grab a settlement from and go search for a plot to call your own.

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OK - one step at a time.


Is it worth a new player delving into this?


For sure. You will obviously start way behind the top accounts, but the game isn't simply about that. You'll need to get "Wurm smart" to avoid unnecessary pitfalls, and you absolutely won't miss all of them - but if you can think clearly and play sensibly lot's of people will usually be around to help fill in the many places you start off lacking.


Probably the biggest thing though is deciding what kind of game you want to play. Wurm is a sandbox. i.e. you can make it pretty much anyway you want to a large extent. You like easy, building , care bearish stuff - you can have it - you want every pvp opportunity that presents, including the post pvp "you you suck more" forum meta gaming that constitutes the Wurm after-party - you can have that too.


You can pretty much have most stuff in between as well.


Problem usually won't know WHAT you want until you've tried a few things...and plenty of the things you need to try involve quite a fair bit of skilling to even do. The above suggestions of getting into a village while you test the waters is a good one. You can always move if one doesn't suit, and suddenly another place seems preferable. Transferring between actual clusters (Freedom > Epic or reverse) might mean rebuilding skills, but it's possible


So yeah.....I would say for a new player it can be perfectly possible. I may however be slightly biased because for all it's warts and carbuncles, beautiful and ugly people, joy and sometimes heartbreak, loyalty and betrayal...


It's still the best game I have ever seen, or played, in my life.....except life itself.

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I was thinking of trying this game, but is it even worthwhile for a new player to delve into this? I am still reading up on gameplay and such so there is still alot i don't know.

 My main thought is will i be able to obtain a decent plot of land, in a relatively decent area.

Short answer; Yes.

Long answer; Your chances of finding a perfectly flat area right next to the ocean with miles to the nearest neighbor are nearly nil. However, if you can handle just a little flattening job, crossing paths the occasional neighbor and park your boat a few paces from your house, you'll have thousands of places to choose from.

Regarding choice of server, you'll have to read up on the various clusters and see what you want. If you can narrow it down to the specific cluster and whether you want PvP or limited/no PvP, the choice of specific server matters very little. What I do recommend however is attempt to find a village to join (if only temporarily) where you can find guidance and a safe haven to train some basic skills, and then make sure you end up on that village's server. Just note that servers Independence (no-PVP) and Chaos (PvP) on the Freedom cluster are 4 times larger land mass-wise compared to the others.

Of course everyone who started playing ahead of you will be ahead of you in terms of skills and experience at first, but that can change rather quickly.

Edited by EliasTheCrimson

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I'd recommend Epic servers if you're after PVP, not hard to attain 70 fight skill which puts you on par with most people.

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If you are feeling lost you can join Independence and we can get you to Kalayaan. It's a large town and we'd be glad to help you out.

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You do have a chance, but like others said, it takes time and effort. A little help and ingame tutoring doesn't hurt either.

If you're ever in exodus, me and my brother just started a new deed, which is mostly still ruins of a abandoned one, and mountains, which will need a lot of work. But one of the purposes we had for this deed is for it to house new players, so, there you go.

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You might be best off to join a village to gain the skills needed to take advantage of some of the great spots available that will need some digging and or surface mining

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First you need to select Epic or Freedom, depending on how much you like PvP and speed of skill gain.


Do you have a chance?


Well, on Freedom there is no such thing, it's not really a competitive game, at least not if you choose it not to be. So the answer would be yes I guess, unless you go to Chaos, where there is PvP, on chaos you don't really have a chance the first year or maybe not even the second year, but youwill have at some point if you keep at it. Chaos has good and friendly people (unless they are your enemy) and a great community so even though you might not have a chance one on one for the first few years you could still have lots of fun there. 


On Epic you have PvP,  there is no 100% safe place but you can come pretty close in remote places on the home servers. So, yes you have a chance to build up skills etc without getting ganked. Joining a village will make it even safer. Will you have a chance to kill someone? well, not the first year maybe, unless you find some other new guy to beat on. In a group you should be able to do some good after some months if you train mostly fighting skills. 


So, answer is, yes unless you plan on going solo PvP ;)

Edited by Torgrim

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You can kill someone as a new player on epic in a week.

You can be competitive with the top pvpers in a month or two.

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I'd recommend Epic servers if you're after PVP, not hard to attain 70 fight skill which puts you on par with most people.


One of the biggest misconceptions in Wurm.

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I am not going to paint this with Roses and Rainbows.....You will have to work hard at something to succeed and have a chance.


But yes if you do work at it and make good connections in game you can do well even now.


The Newest Servers Pristine and Release have the Fewest Higher Level Players.


The Main thing would be to focus your time and work towards goals and eventually you can be one of the best.

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