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Trader Deed with 2 magic chests SOLD, Close Please

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Linda Vista

 A nice little deed located in Independence with a spectacular view located just off the main highway. A great way to getaway from it all and be close to the action. 

Located at 29x 60y it is just a small walk from the Great Southern Road. Did I mention it is right next to the Deliverance boat bridge?





On the deed you will find a quaint 2 story cabin made of stone and wood. 




Inside is a trusty trader and 2 magic chests at very reasonable damage rates of 16 and 19. 






Who is this property for, entrepreneurs, hermits, collectors, beginners, and people who like nice things. 

The mine on property has all the metals a crafter would like and quite a few utmost veins including gold.

A harbor is near by down the hill as you can see in the view picture.




The deed has about 145 days of upkeep




Bidding starts at 60s

Increments of 1s

Run time is 7 Days

(snipe protection)


Edited by Suntan

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Which island is this?

South Independence, near the boat bridge to Deliverance.


Do you give the deed holder with it or only the deed?

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Independence, sorry about that. The deed gets transfered only.

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That spot is... the old Exile's Gate? Does your deed cover the old village and if not, is it unoccupied around?

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I was passing by earlier today picking up an item elseware, got lost as the area is one big abandoned mess of flat spots and roads and trash and giant dirt pillars/mounds from a colossus and old deeds.


That aside, the deed itself is nice and does have a good view of the harbor area.

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It resides past the ruins of the great deed known as Exiles Gate. All that remains of EG is a ruined mess of rotting walls and coffins, a real shame. No one has moved in to the area and it returns to the wilderness on a daily basis.


On a side note, it has a significant perimeter designed to enhance privacy. 

Edited by Suntan

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Since it came up I accept cash at the rate of 1g =80 euros. Paypal final payment

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Gumbo is the winner and arrangements will be made on transfer. Gumbo, I will send you a PM with details. Great bidding everyone. Please CLOSE

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