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Drop the pmk toon requirement to a lower amount

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It is too high. You went in a good direction dropping it to 15 but then reverted it soon after.

I think 20 would be more reasonable. The addition of BL pmks is also overdue and I hope a dev can get it coded soon.


I am one of the finest recruiters and skilled organizers in game, and it is too high at 40....


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at 20people, limit the CR bonuses and title bonuses until 40 people in pmk.


Allow alliance then

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at 20people, limit the CR bonuses and title bonuses until 40 people in pmk.


Allow alliance then

 because someone will make 19 alts


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If people are willing to spend the 1g to become independent even at 20 premium players they should have full titles and bonuses, there should not be any difference between a 20 or 40 man kingdom except for the fact that the 20 man kingdom might have a harder time defending itself against those other 40 man kingdoms.


But yes alliances should be allowed. Perhaps so that titles are not abused to much put a cap to alliances 1 ally only. This way players will be forced to actually play the political game as to who they will ally themselves with. Also a cap on alliances due to the fact that there probably wont be any more then 5 kingdoms if the cap was lowered to 20.


And also a simple fix to tower capping for champion points is to put a timer on allainces... if you unally someone you cannot ally with anyone else for 2 weeks real time. This way there will be no exploiting of the system for Champion points as we have recent had with Norads group, which is why we are even talking about this crap in the first place.

Edited by MaurizioAM

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Why is there a limit at all? If one guy wants to found a PMK on his own, why can't he?

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 because someone will make 19 alts


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If someone wants to pay for 20 alts thats fine by me, i dont care what people do to get their 20 players. If things were added in game for more kingdom play such as more HOTA type games, but perhaps instead of how HOTA is they can go the route of how Ultima Online did it with factions... They had a Sigel for each town and those sigels would be captured and brough back to base and protected... there was bonuses given for having the full set. But upon having the whole set you had to wait a time period of protection before the bonuses kicked in.


In this case a player who bought 19 alts would no really gain many benefits expect for a few CR bonus points and some Random titles. Or Hey how about going with something like Demondan said and combine a capturing type mini game to allow Tiles to open up and be used. the more control you have the more titles you open up. More titles would have to be added of course but the sky is the limit to adding fun pvp type content.


We as a playerbase need to get our heads out of our a.... and think if the possibilities to ADD reasons to pvp and stop being so afraid of losing gear. If you are afraid to lose your gear dont wear it simple as that.

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I am not opposed to a limit on the alliance but I think 30 would be more fair.

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Why is there a limit at all? If one guy wants to found a PMK on his own, why can't he?


+1 on that.


I fully agree... But i still think more reasons to have a PMK would benefit having a PMK and members to be a part of it, such as a few things that i mention in my above post.

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I am not opposed to a limit on the alliance but I think 30 would be more fair.


Im talking alliance with another kingdom, not villages.

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I also think the mechanic that makes enemies randomly attack each other should be buffed across the board to discourage enemies working together but thats another topic.

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If people are willing to spend the 1g to become independent even at 20 premium players they should have full titles and bonuses, there should not be any difference between a 20 or 40 man kingdom except for the fact that the 20 man kingdom might have a harder time defending itself against those other 40 man kingdoms.


But yes alliances should be allowed. Perhaps so that titles are not abused to much put a cap to alliances 1 ally only. This way players will be forced to actually play the political game as to who they will ally themselves with. Also a cap on alliances due to the fact that there probably wont be any more then 5 kingdoms if the cap was lowered to 20.


And also a simple fix to tower capping for champion points is to put a timer on allainces... if you unally someone you cannot ally with anyone else for 2 weeks real time. This way there will be no exploiting of the system for Champion points as we have recent had with Norads group, which is why we are even talking about this crap in the first place.

I have to disagree Maurizio on alliance system and how can you be sure people will not abuse titles? People here make Rolf disable alliances to stop a kingdom. Rolf did it very quickly and raised minimum player requirement to 40 in order to avoid the emergence of small pmks.


I know it's your dream make your own kingdom and i admire it, but as you can see this game is weird. It may change if only a certain group of people complain about one thing. So better leave it as now is, No alliances and maybe yeah 30 people sounds fine if you really want to do something.

Edited by Davy

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Make it 20 premium p(l)ayers

Edited by Bittereinder

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I have to disagree Maurizio on alliance system and how can you be sure people will not abuse titles? People here make Rolf disable alliances to stop a kingdom. Rolf did it very quickly and raised minimum player requirement to 40 in order to avoid the emergence of small pmks.


I know it's your dream make your own kingdom and i admire it, but as you can see this game is weird. It may change if only a certain group of people complain about one thing. So better leave it as now is, No alliances and maybe yeah 30 sounds fine if you really want to do something.


Rolf stopped the alliance because it was being abused. Instead of putting a timer like he should have he just disabled it. There could have been plenty of different ways he could have fixed the issues... Not only that but the players involved with the abuse of tower capping for champion points are to blame for Rolf even having to spend any time looking and changing the system. It was fine before that.


Its not my dream to make a PMK thats why i never did to begin with when everyone was telling me to make one, but i realized the game doesnt really give many reasons to do so.


If Rolf would really see that pvp needs things to boost a reason for pvping he could really turn chaos into something fun... Allowing more pmks and the ability for the pmks to ally at least 1 other PMK would open this game up a lot in terms of players.


Players want something to call their own, the majority of players that start the game do not want to join with another village or kingdom for that matter... Thats why recruiting newer players is so hard to do, the min you tell them they have to join a kingdom and a village they basically just turn around and do their own thing till they get bored in a few weeks and quit. Opening up the options to people and the possibilities as well as adding in additional things like HOTA, would open up much more pvp and reasons to do so.

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IMO a "kingdom" shouldn't be like a 20-man group, lol.. that's more like a "deed", and not even close to an "alliance"... albeit the fact that wurm is small makes something like 40 more reasonable, but 20? That's way too low for CR/casting/etc. bonuses IMO.

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Asking someone to recruit half the server to their cause is draconian and counter productive.

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As was suggested by few ppl in some topics before, on same issue.

Lower pmk requirements to 20 or so, just change it that CR titles works only per increased population to avoid "alt pmk" exploiting.

And seriously, about darn time we get BL pmks

Given current servers population in general, you cant seriously ask for someone *new to gather half of regular servers population to form new pmk, considering said population is divided by 3 kingdoms.

There is no much need for more reasoning, it should be darn obvious and requires small amount of common sense to see it.

Edited by DonAngelo

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Is there even 50 unique players on Epic? Seems like everybody is either an alt, bicycle, battery or spy

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Jberg, January 21, 2014 - OT
Hidden by Jberg, January 21, 2014 - OT

exactly, at a larger population giving CR titles enables the ability of small PMKs that can align with their previous kingdom without CR hoarding. You can ally with your previous kingdom but able to have your own kingdom and politics, + different recruitment opportunities. 


I doubt MR will purposely split its 150+ active members to gain bonuses, we are happy together and dont want to abuse that system.

and because JK get the "Because of the low active population, the subjects are known to fight a bit more fierce than their enemies." I doubt they will do such a thing anyways


Also BL PMK's +1

Edited by demondan

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