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Large Magic Chest Questions (one for Dev's if they have time, please :D)

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I've never bought one, but am thinking of actually buying a couple for my different work stations to keep the enchanted / rare tools in.


  • When I buy them, do they go in my inventory until I plant them?
        If so, I cannot pick them back up?
        Can they be pushed / pulled / turned?
  • (For a Dev :D ) If they cannot be picked up currently, or when the load feature is added, will we be able to load them and move them?
        If not through loading, will there ever be a way to move them realistically if I decided to move my deed, or change where my workstation is or something?

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It is held in inventory until you drop it upon purchase.


Last i heard it was not moveable (so not even push/pull) but i don't own one to test if this has been changed.

Edited by whykillme

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It goes into your inventory when bought, then you plant it and cant pick it up again. I believe you can push, pull, and turn it though(since i see people waiting till a deed drops to "take" them) :P

Edited by Nicrolis

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Xor, highly suggest talking to Aetherwalker when he's back about it. (Considering that should be any day now)

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They go in your inventory until you plant them, then they're similar to a regular large chest, can not be picked up, can be pushed/pulled.

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You can push pull turn like regular large chests. These things are great, we call ours the fridge. We use ours more for food and medical treatments/ingredients than for tools.

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I put mine in a large cart. By some fountain pan containers for these and they are awesome.



I confused with the "plant" terminology being used here. I thought you simply drop it and it can never again be picked up. As opposed to using the "plant" option like signs and lamp posts.

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I confused with the "plant" terminology being used here. I thought you simply drop it and it can never again be picked up. As opposed to using the "plant" option like signs and lamp posts.

Once it's on the ground, it cannot be picked up, just like a regular large chest. It's not "planted" where only you can pick it up, like with signs and lamp posts

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