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It's time for more control over traits.

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Keep the breeding the same but add another system to train other traits in to animials.

So you end up with 2 trait systems, still have your 5 speed horses etc but could train said horse learned traits to speed it up/fight better/keep speed traits active for longer when riding etc.

Bored with system,. its boring. Please make it fun.
This could help PvP people too, they could train animials to fight better and so on.

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Also would be cool then we could host races etc on Freedom and the people that worked the hardest would win, instead of the person lucky enough to have x traits active for x amount of time.

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Nice idea, but traits being trained in a bit hectic, and too easy. If this can be done in a way that makes it challenging enough so it's doesn't get abused to a point where traits become completely unspecial, awesome.

I'd say trainability and tricks, and commands, but it shouldn't affect the breeding traits. If you train your horse to run to FM by itself, it shouldn't be able to be passed on by breeding, makes no sense. :)

With that said, a  'trainability' trait will be required, and that is (possibly) passed on during breeding :-D

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Sounds good^^^
I'm flexible on how they do it, I just think it would be nice to have more options and be able to spend time IG making animials better/more useful for your causes. I think a skill that heads down this direction "Animial trainer" would be worth looking in to and offer yet another thing people can do.

If this can be done in a way that makes it challenging enough so it's doesn't get abused to a point where traits become completely unspecial

I agree with this too. I'd rather it be hard/slow and the rewards become greater once you have put the time/energy in to it.


it shouldn't be able to be passed on by breeding, makes no sense.

Yeah I meant this in my OP, I think it should be sepereated from breeding traits :)

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Dont most people have the same maxed out horses these days? I like the idea.


Back in the day I used to train my trolls subskills havin it fight tgs. Good times.

Edited by Suntzu

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5 speed trolls with one shorter leg, so we can have little circular races?


EIther way, I slept on it a bit, I like the idea so I came back to +1 it.

Some good points.

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I like training/use might give a horse a batter chance of a certain trait.

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