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make horseshoes/saddle easier to imp

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there is no need to take like 5 hours to get from 70 to 90ql


not including the 5 it takes to get 90 cast on every horseshoe




if freedomers have a problem, make it epic only

Edited by Propheteer

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any reason why?



My +1 is because of the fact that horses are a necessity in PvP. The advantage that 90ql 90enchant 5speed horses give you is absolute insane, almost enough to make it a gap for people that 1. aren't able to kill those with the gear, or 2. make it in a reasonable amount of time.


1 and 2 will no doubt make some players not want to pvp.

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-1 Yea they are needed, thats why it should be difficult to make. if you dont wanna put in the time then clearly you are in the wrong game.

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If the issue is the power of the QL and 'chants, wouldn't the logical solution be to flatten out the power curve a bit? Especially if it's so powerful users of such are impossible to kill? The amount of extra speed you can squeeze out of a horse with the right gear is pretty insane.

If a nerf is out of the question, isn't it possible that those who have the time to create such equipment has earned their right to be powerful?

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-1 Yea they are needed, thats why it should be difficult to make. if you dont wanna put in the time then clearly you are in the wrong game.


with that logic you might as well make every tool/weapon/armor just as difficult to imp, or actually more difficult seeing as how they are used more often.


i'm sure the game would be enjoyable if you spent 20 hours just to be able to do something besides smith.





A powercurve would work.



The main issue is that the time you spend making the gear is just as long as getting enchants on it. Either way you're going to spend all day doing it, if one was hard and the other was easier it would be alright.

Edited by Propheteer

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Horseshoes, I hear alot of complaints about so +1 to them.


Saddles, no, they're easy to make at 90ql, resource hungry yes (which they should be), but easy and fast to make 90ql.

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or make a new item

Horseshoe set, which would only require 1 item for 4 legs :)

Takes more iron on improve, but will save a lot of pain in the end.

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-1 Yea they are needed, thats why it should be difficult to make. if you dont wanna put in the time then clearly you are in the wrong game.

Putting in time is ok to a a limit, if you die and lose your set of 90-90's it would seriously take several hours to remake them, just causing grief for you, and making it so people don't want to take their best out.

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imping horseshoes is no harder than imping a large anvil or a lantern to 90 ql.  they are a lot of work and thats why they sell for good money

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or make a new item

Horseshoe set, which would only require 1 item for 4 legs :)

Takes more iron on improve, but will save a lot of pain in the end.

+1 i like this idea.


Epic is supposed to make people want to pvp cause its easier to imp stuff to a good ql. but obviously it doesn't  work  so any thing that can get people out there to pvp quicker is good bring it on. I'm  surprised its only horseshoes that people think will make this happen.i would like to see people wearing chain again  but i cant see it in the foreseeable future.instead of everyone being a carbon copy of everyone else.

Edited by wasntme

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-1 for the saddle.

+1 for the horseshoes.


my reason is 1, the saddle is very easy to imp to 92ql (this is freedom perspective) at 92.60 LW. 


The horseshoes however, seem to be much harder then any other BS item besides a lantern, and also require you to do 4 of them. that I can see being a huge

waste of time.

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Damn you Epic playing folks want everything easy don't you? Seems like every week there is a post that is essentially "make wurm easier". I think there is minecraft for that, no? 

Edited by BrandonSF

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Damn you Epic playing folks want everything easy don't you? Seems like every week there is a post that is essentially "make wurm easier". I think there is minecraft for that, no? 


On Freedom, you make one set of armor, one set of tools, and one set of horse gear, and you're set for life.

On Epic, you make many sets of armor and horse gear because dying means you lose everything.


So who exactly is playing on easy mode?

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-1 Sounds more like someone lacks the skill to do the job and wants it easier.  I make 90 ql horseshoes and saddles all the time, and while those first sets were hard, it gets easier every time.  Invest some time in grinding your skills.

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-1 Sounds more like someone lacks the skill to do the job and wants it easier.  I make 90 ql horseshoes and saddles all the time, and while those first sets were hard, it gets easier every time.  Invest some time in grinding your skills.




because effectively 99.72 means im lacking skill


can you just not make assumptions?

Edited by Propheteer

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because effectively 99.72 means im lacking skill


can you just not make assumptions?


So what is your problem in making shoes and saddles then, just don't like taking the time?  If you have skills that high you really don't have anything to complain about.  Although you did say effectively 99.72 and not actually, so that means you are on Epic.  I'm on Independence, not Epic, my Blacksmithing is 98.24, Leatherworking at 97.28 and I don't have the problems you complain about creating or imping.  I did make a mistake assuming you lacked skill, you are just lazy.

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with that logic you might as well make every tool/weapon/armor just as difficult to imp, or actually more difficult seeing as how they are used more often.


i'm sure the game would be enjoyable if you spent 20 hours just to be able to do something besides smith.





A powercurve would work.



The main issue is that the time you spend making the gear is just as long as getting enchants on it. Either way you're going to spend all day doing it, if one was hard and the other was easier it would be alright.

Thing is, they AREN'T much harder than any other tool to imp.

And yeah, i know what i'm talking about, since i've spent the better part of last week making saddles and horseshoes (100 shoes and enough saddles and bridles to do full sets with those).

Sure enchants are stupidly insane. But they aren't harder on horseshoes or saddles.

You're singling out a couple of items because it suits you. Next time you'll be trying to make square pieces of cloth, and you'll want that to change.

Which is why i -1.


Those items aren't specially hard to make compared to other items on their same skills. Horseshoes are actually pretty nice to make and spend little material.

Saddles are a bit harder cause they use up much more leather than most items when imping. Still pales in comparisson to bardings.

Edited by KanePT

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Thing is, they AREN'T much harder than any other tool to imp.

And yeah, i know what i'm talking about, since i've spent the better part of last week making saddles and horseshoes (100 shoes and enough saddles and bridles to do full sets with those).

Sure enchants are stupidly insane. But they aren't harder on horseshoes or saddles.

You're singling out a couple of items because it suits you. Next time you'll be trying to make square pieces of cloth, and you'll want that to change.

Which is why i -1.


Those items aren't specially hard to make compared to other items on their same skills. Horseshoes are actually pretty nice to make and spend little material.

Saddles are a bit harder cause they use up much more leather than most items when imping. Still pales in comparisson to bardings.


uh what


everyone i have ever talked to has complained about horseshoes, you are literally the first person that i have talked to deny that they are hard to imp

Edited by Propheteer

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U should rename this to epic only or something proph, freedommers derailed this with nonsense

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