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A Nomads Tale, A journy From Cele to Indy,

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[After years of playing wurm I have decided to go back to adventuring, it was the reason wurm caught my eye in the first place!

I would travel around independence helping out people or just seeing stuff, setting up a house here or there to do a grind then moving on.  I have decided to log my events for the expedition towards a new home on independence.]

Edited by wolfersmcwolf

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LOG 1/19/14 :12:56PM

I have entered Exo, where my journey will officially begin, I have my Corbita filled with tools and a small amount of supplies to keep me going until I reach my destination, Valley of the Gods on independence.  I don't expect this to be a short journey, but hey nothing is easy.

I will do another log at the end of the day.

Edited by wolfersmcwolf

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Unfortunately My IE crashed, and deleted my original story but this is what I can remember I typed:



LOG 1/19/14 3:42PM

I docked at Hell horse Harbor



, And headed inland, Stopping every so often to heal after being attacked by wolfs

Passing through a great steppe west, I came to a village named Brockway



Heading south towards a colossus on the horizon I met myself face to face with it on the docks of Shadow's incarnation.



Northward I pressed crossing the Steppe filled with crocodiles bears and tons of horses till I came to the village of Red Kremlin, a very nice deed, peaking in a window I was able to see XdeadmauseX hard at work smithing away.




Moving on northward into the forest I came to Castle dred, an interesting use of Wurm's Multi Story abilities.



Forward I pushed passing Rock Cliff's End A fantastically planned tiered mountain side village.



And northward more I pressed, till I came to Aubic's Canal



I also was met face to face with one of the many wonderful players on wurm Gorgian



One the road ended I wandered a while until I found Dead mans highway, and Passed through Jesep's compounds and down the road passed a few small villages I wasn't able to take shots of because I was being chased by a troll.

It started to rain so I got a good shot of a rainbow.



I pushed onward till I came to a ramped road upwards with two great towers on each side of the road, I walked in between them and found myself in the town center of a asymmetrical planned deed called Valhall.




Northward I pushed till I came to Terrace lane, Where Sannah was the only one available to talk, they were quite generous and gave me cotton when I was jumped by a spider down the road.



South across the road of Terrace lane I found myself at the gate of Namaste a Natural styled village built by Twilite, The village itself is an amazing sight, I suggest going to see it while it still has its current owner.



After that I decided to take a break and rest for a bit pressing on (tomorrow)

Edited by wolfersmcwolf

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After my short break of enjoying some tea while I watched the big lebowski, I continued on my journey to cracking wurm's secrets.

after wandering in the forest for a while I came to an inn


Passing it and then started going in circles all around the area


I came to a player made path lined with the rarest of woods.


And over the hill this path lead to a hidden retreat for some player.


Then I spent 2 hours getting chased by mobs


that part wasn't fun.


Town after town village after village

until I came to a spot I never could have believe existed, a view of the entire server(exo), from Gryphons lair.'



Down I went north west


I had almost reached the north coast


across the lake I saw a great fortified area


The locals informed me that the area I was in was decaying and neglected, didn't seem to stop them from being over achievers.


I walked the areas of decayed noob shacks and homeless FSBs and Forges


But like all things in wurm, no matter how fast nature reclaimed the land, players came to fight for it back



I had finally reached the North coast


I pushed westward towards the HOTA Exchange


turned around to take a picture of the mountain I had just come from, with the homeless FSBs


Stopping by the clay pit to say hello to the locals


Then headed north towards the HOTA exchange on the North west most side of Exo


Just did a little browsing








Then I headed south, towards my boat and exo's start deed. Along the way I met a player who offered me food and cotton, I graciously accepted, he even let me use a pen for my cow for the night.


Here I logged off, I have made it across Exo And now I will follow the coast back down and around to my boat, then Up east to Deli and rinse and repeat.



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Log 1/20/14 Day 2

Unfortunately rust has been keeping most of my time so I have decided to call it quits,

I traveled all around exo, and after seeing what I saw I feel its good enough for me to turn in the walkin shoes and go back to grinding.

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