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Make Dispell an offensive spell when used on person in another kingdom.

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Dispel is used to remove oakshell and bearpaws of Fo priests.... when in PVP seems pretty offensive to me :P


This makes the path of Hate actually worth getting since its lv 11 ability does not work with fire pillars etc.. and no one uses direct target spells on a player in pvp much. and would create much more pvp content :P


Spell Imunity

Gained at level 11

Spell Imunity - gives protection against offensive spells (details needed)

Does not protect from AoE effects (Confirmed by Rolf via IRC June 2013)




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Hate is already very good, the 50% dmg makes sure of that. dispel would be OP, the immunity protects against fireheart, drain life etc.  I think the fear one is crappy? never heard much good about it, but could be wrong is it kinda like love effect but for guards?

Edited by Rushy

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Hate is already very good, the 50% dmg makes sure of that. dispel would be OP, the immunity protects against fireheart, drain life etc.  I think the fear one is crappy? never heard much good about it, but could be wrong is it kinda like love effect but for guards?

Pretty much yes.


LvL 11 hate is actually really terrible compared to other paths. Though I will still agree that adding dispell to level 11 hate is a bad idea. Oakshell is powerfull enough as it is.

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I like this one. :D


I.d make it remove things on peoples gear as well since it doesn't matter and its so easy to replace like they all say.

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Fo with best armor in game, best movement speed, extra kicking attack to have to block, 50% more damage, willowspine, etc


No thanks

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