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[Implemented] Allow rotation of guard towers [<3 Rolf and Dev team]

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I understand that allowing a player to push/pull a guard tower would bring a whole load of exploits and changes to PvP. However, where is the harm in allowing players to rotate guard towers? When building a tower, I tried looking around the forums and the wiki for guides to placing guard towers in the position you would like. However, all but a few of those guides say completely different things about the rotation. So, I was left with an ugly tower that was off by 135 degrees that could not be rotated.


Maybe only allow the owner to rotate the tower or even just allow the owner to choose the angle where the guard tower faces upon completion.


If anyone disagrees with this change, please post why below.

Edited by aleric

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Yes, that would be very helpful! I agree. Good suggestion.

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Also an option for the owner to simply click and the tower aligns perfectly with the tile it's on would be good.

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Considering how complicated (and unintuitive) it is to get it lined up properly to begin with, this is a necessity. +1.

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We can rotate Colossus, So yeah we should be able to rotate Towers.

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alternative could be you can push/pull and rotate an unfinished guard tower, but the unfinished would not move location once completed.  So you could make sure it is lined up the way you want before finishing, then when done no more changes.

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Bump. Hopefully this is implemented in one the of the next updates.

Edited by aleric

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I know this has been mentioned and suggested a few times in the past.  Lets hope it sticks this time.

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