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Enchanting. Broken Or Overly Random?

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IMO, the whole system needs to be reworked. With high channeling and soul depth, you should be able to crap out high casts, and should hardly ever get low casts or fail. The randomness needs to be taken out, and skills need to make more of a difference.


This would make it nearly worthless... Takes no time to cast once and if they were all high they be de valued big time. If you think the economy in wurm isn't important because you play epic just go ask someone like Led there is one and wurm would be ruined for a crap ton of people if there wasn't a good economy

Edited by Maximillian

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my mag priest just shattered the 98ql xmas hat from last year. didnt know this could be possible. used it to get my channeling up. skil is at 45,7 and soul strenght is quite low only 24. bad luck i guess.

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my mag priest just shattered the 98ql xmas hat from last year. didnt know this could be possible. used it to get my channeling up. skil is at 45,7 and soul strenght is quite low only 24. bad luck i guess.

Soul strength? Lol, you need soul depth for enchantments mate, yes even for Mag priest. Soul strength is for fighting spells, soul depth is for enchantments :)

And 45 channeling is also considered low, you won't shatter a lot, but still very possible at that level. Make sure to get that too 65+ and have a 60+ statuette and it will help your enchants a lot (along with soul depth)

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I saw this and decided to comment even though I'm on a break from Wurm, because this is one of the things that I had a problem with.

Whenever you start  new character on Wurm and join a village at the start you always feel useless and tend to recognise that your best skill is being a pack mule, or thats how it felt to me xD

However, when I priested I actively felt like a drain on the village resources, which wasn't all that nice a place to be in, I've seen alot od posts about 40+ Channeling, but when you start out you essentially become a drain, especially in small villages that can't allow you to sacc everything you want. Thinking about getting more shatter rates than I did then is a slightly horrific idea, that'd mean it'd take a fair while to even slightly make up for the amount of resources you'd used up.


Well thats just my opinion, however I don't necissarily disagree with this change, I think making high casts rarer is a nice idea, as it'll be good for the economy, but I think that it could have been implemented better as I said at early levels things are pretty dire, I can't imagine how they are now.


So what I'd suggest is something unheard of in Wurm, so it may be a bit heretical:

Give priests an option to change between three 'flavors' of power, very low, low, medium and high.

Essentially on very low power enchants are capped at around 30, but shatter rates are almost none existant and casts rarely fail, even at the beginning.

On Low power enchants are capped at around 50, but shatter rates are fairly low, the chance of failing is still a fair bit lower than it used to be.

At Medium enchants are capped at 70, shatter rate and chance of failing are about as they are now.

Finally at High enchants are completely uncapped, but shatter rates are even higher.


As a result of this, the market should become more variable, a beginning village can support itself on 20-ish power enchants, making priests useful even early on, though they probably will make no income from it. 50's will be a respectable enchant though nothing amazing, while 70's will be your average PvP high-ish end equiptment, and anything higher practically becomes an artifact worth a small fortune.


I don't know what everyone else thinks, but those changes would make me very happy at least xD

Just thought Id provide something constructive 'cause nothing improves otherwise, usually.

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