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I rather like the low fantasy setting of wurm (with added high fantasy monsters!), to this end I've put together a collection of "village witch" or "hedge magic" spells that might be interesting.  All characters can use hedge magic, it has a small set (4) of spells that make life a little more itneresting in several ways.  In keeping with the hedge magic notion this set of spells all require items (sometimes rare ones).

Finding Objects

Requires a compass of Q20+ and a similar item.  This works akin to a compass in that it pulls up a compass screen that points to the nearest object of the same kind (range is limited to (compass Q/2) tiles.  An example would be using a lump of gold to detect other lumps of gold nearby.  No items are consumed but the compass used is damaged slightly (not sure how much would be appropriate), the enchantment lasts (compass Q/4) mins.

Divining Fluid

Requires a cauldron containing at least 10 mushrooms, use a unicorn horn on the cauldron to activate (no heat needed!).  Turns the contents into divining fluid (which decays within QL mins regardless of where it is kept), this fluid will start to glow lightly in the presense of magic.  Quality of fluid capped by hedge magic skill, the unicorn horn is damaged slightly.


Requires a flask with water and 5 flowers (any kind).  Heat over a fire to create a grave balm.  Use this on the body of a player and for QL mins they will receive a compass pointing to the location of their body.  Quality capped by hedge magic skill.


Requires a silver ball, a cauldron containing at least 5 paws and a heart.  Requires a parchment with the victim's name written on it or an item.  The parchment is used on the cauldren to activate. and if the curse works the victim sees ghostly creatures (akin to those seen by insane players but of a more ghostly nature), these creatures cannot hurt the player but do slowly (I am thinking very slowly here as a minor debuff) drain stamina if the plater is close.  This variation lasts for silver ball Q mins.  If an item is used to activate then the item gains the "haunted" curse which lasts for silver ball Q hours.  A haunted item drains stamina slightly faster while being used and causes ghostly visions while wielded/used.  To remove a haunting on a player use salt on body, on an item use salt on the item.

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First lets see how sorcery is implemented in Freedom.


That new system is still in an early stage of being discovered/tested in PvP, not even present in PvE yet.   It might be too early to try to add yet another magical system.

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Does it require another player to use an item on your corpse to guide you there?

Nope, a priest just needs to know the name of the player to type in once they've cast the spell. They're then told the rough direction and rough distance to the player (if online and not hidden by no-locate jewelry/buff) and all corpses on the server.

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I like the overall idea, it's very interesting and could be quite fun, specially with the haunting curse. But as Rath said sorcery needs major attention as does so many other already implemented aspects of the game. The devs need to focus on fixing what they have before they add new features. Which it seems they won't do willingly :P

Edited by Telvanni

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I like the overall idea, it's very interesting and could be quite fun, specially with the haunting curse. But as Rath said sorcery needs major attention as does so many other already implemented aspects of the game. The devs need to focus on fixing what they have before they add new features. Which it seems they won't do willingly :P

 Well, what I ment mostly is, there is a "magic" system for non-priests, but the bulk of the community doesnt really know the power of the spells, or their functions, etc.  The spells proposed by the OP seem to be mildly harmless, but even then one of those conflicts with the locate soul spell.   It would be good to have a full list of all priest spells, sorcery spells, and meditation habilities in one place, to sort of see where is room for improvement, what possible things are left out, and what suggestions already fit into mechanics that are already ingame.



This comes of course from my point of ignorance about the power and extent of the sorcery skills.

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The reason that so much is unknown about sorcery comes from the fact that not many scenarios have been completed since it's implementation. Almost every scenario item has gone to blacklight ele and most of them aren't that great. There is one in particular that I really like, it allows you to spawn a magical wall on a tileborder but even it is glitchy to no end. The only ones that I have seen that aren't that bugged are karma river and fireball. But those two are kinda meh to me. Also one was a mission ruler that allows the user to make missions (like the ones in the tutorial) and it is almost utterly useless unless you want to grief someones deed ;)

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With sorcery you're looking at high investment for high payoff.  The majority of players will not be seeing sorcery in their hands any time, actually those that have it are unlikely to tell about it because they want to keep a trick up their sleeves.  Eventually magic will reach to players who don't no life day and night to get them, but we're talking RL years down the line, or a lot of $$$'s worth of silver.

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Don't get me wrong here. I like the suggestion and I'm not saying no, just saying there is soooo much that needs to be fixed before new stuff gets implemented. The devs should be focusing on what we have and not what we could have. Then once a lot of the problems are fixed take a look at a suggestion such as this.

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